I Believe...?

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*Victoria's Point of View

I've been here for a week. My parents are dead. I watched a triangle kill a kid. Saw a man make a deal with the devil(?) Made quick enemies with some creepy gnome called Jeff. And I met a girl with as much energy as me. My entire life I've been stuck with crutches and a leg brace. Even a wheelchair on my worse days. Three days living here and my Grandpa, who apparently was a part-time brain surgeon in another universe took a quick look and made a brace that hooks up to my mind using wave lengths and acupuncture from the brace with needles so thin I cant feel them. For the first time in my life, I can run. This is a town of miracles! I'm still wobbly though. And slow. But so much better!

I'm sure you can't grasp this. I don't want pity or anything. But let me tell you. If you were lucky enough to be born without anything wrong with you, then you better take it for granted. Because some never will.

I made friends with a pixie named F'farah Exchall'ah Lxist . That gets confusing though. Her name means morning dew. So I call her Dew. Like the crazy triangle who kidnapped my Grunkle Stan, she can read minds. So she knows my actual nickname and calls me that. I'm not overly fond of it. Vicky works good for me.

Dew and I are sitting on the roof of the Mystery Shack and talking. She has light brown hair, almost blonde. Her eyes are green at the top, then fade into blue, then dark blue. Like an anime girl. It's really pretty. She typically wears a fluffy grey feather skirt made of feathers, and a blouse made from a bluebell. Her feet are bare. Her skin is really pale and shes covered in freckles.

As we sit, we talk. Every day I see, or hear something new. Always something strange. Gnomes. Magic crystals. Prophecies. Magic in general. But strangest of all? The fact that I have a cousin in the basement who is in a coma and has been because he can't deal with reality. I mean, I guess we're cousins? First cousins I guess. Its confusing.

So I've pieced bits together. Dew wasn't alive at the time. She's only a year old, fairies age differently. But two summers ago, a dream demon took over the town and caused utter chaos. This is why this tiny little town has its own mental hospital.

The magic creatures will talk a bit sometimes when I bring it up, but besides my family no humans will. I even say Bill Cipher and they say 'never mind all that' and walk away as fast as they can. This is also why Grandpa is having a hard time trying to get the town to evacuate. Mabel went through Dippers stuff. She came away with a bunch of books and notes about the town that I poured myself into. Speaking of pouring, I know this town is strange, but is it normal for a girl to be capable of pouring an entire gallon of edible glitter into her mouth without swallowing?  Mabel, is, well- I think we're going with strange.

I know all kinds of stuff now. I can read in this weird code my Grandfather made called Fordese. And I now see triangles. Everywhere. The Northwest's are jerks but their kid is getting better. According to the news station, they're thinking about disowning her and adopting a new Northwest. The only thing stopping them is potential contamination of the bloodline. Yeesh.

Our family is now the most respected in town. The Courdoys are all really nice and are all Red-heads. Wendy is SUPER nice. Poolcheck the lifeguard is potentially evil incarnated. Nobody knows but a lot believe its true.

Thompson will do anything for approval. Anything.

There is an ongoing hostage situation in the mini golf course involving some guy named Sure-gay. Or something. Nobody cares about him really. But he's an Olympic gold medalist.

The police officers here have the combined IQ of a grape but they're cute together so nobody says anything. I think they're just annoying.

Never read anything out-loud in case its a summoning spell, or a curse, or anything that might end badly. Like most things.

Larry kings disembodied head in in the walls.

There are clones of Dipper on the loose somewhere and we're pretty sure they're up to no good.

This stupid gnome called Shmebulock collects things. Its creepy. Things like diaries, phones, hats, journals. Hes a stalker. But nobody seems to mind.

There are several somethings in the lake. All of which are dangerous.

Mermaids are real. And so are basically every mythical creature I've ever heard of. Another reason to stay away from water. I swear I saw a kelpie in the lake. I don't want to die.

Dinosaurs are slowly thawing out under the town. And NOBODY is doing anything. Have they seen the Triassic Park movies?????????

Unicorns are jerks. But they're scared of Mabel so they leave us alone, typically. Which is funny, because Mabel won't even step on a flower.

Butterfly hunting is illegal. In select parts of the forest.

Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, time can die, meaning can loose its meaning, existence is often upsidedown and Bill reins supreme.

'Trust no one' is our family motto. But we don't follow it much. And that is usually when we get in tough spots.

If anyone messes with the Pines, they get hurt. Or killed. It varies from time to time.

Most of all I learned to go with the flow. Harder then it sounds.

Dew helped with a lot of these. Mabel and Grandpa spend most of their time with Dipper anyways. I really don't mind. It'd be nice to see them more though.

"So, Joltz. Finally used to life in the small town?" Dew nudged my elbow with her own tiny one.

"I told you. Stop calling me that. And I've lived in small towns before. Its magic I'm not used to." I look blankly at the skyline. A Griffin is flying away with an 8 limbed cow shooting lasers from its eyes. I think I just described this place in one sentence.

"All small towns on Earth have magic. Most just don't have enough for people to notice really." She shrugged. That makes since, because this jerk at my old school HAD to have been a harpy. 

I carve my name into the mossy roof with my fingernail using Fordese. An L with an orb on top of it. A triangle with a line down the center. An E that fell over. Two tiny triangles on top of each-other. A mushroom. A spiral. Another triangle with a line through it. And an oval with another small oval above it and a line connecting them.


I think it looks cool.

"Your penmanship is better. You could almost pass as someone who normally reads and writes in it." Dew comments. I've been practicing. We hang out until she has to go. Pixies live in flowers at night and all the good ones close up for the night. Only Gravity Falls has tulips year round. I wave goodbye and head back inside.

Mabel is waiting.

"Hey Vicky! I was wondering. You don't really got anything now that your stuff all, and I, start over. Wanna go to the mall together?" She asks. Grandpa is in the doorway. He gives me an encouraging nod. I eagerly agree.


I can't wait!

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