Mabel's new Passion Project

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*Mabels Point of View, then Stan's

I go up to our room. Why is everyone in my family so good at stuff? I mean, come on! Dipper and Grunkle Ford are both really smart. Grunkle Stan knows every trick in the book. Dipper can put aside his fear. They all seem to know a lot about this town. Grunkle Ford can draw really good detailed pictures. Grunkle Stan has won a fist fight with a pterodactyl. Dipper is really good at deciphering clues. Not to mention the fact that Dipper took on a dream demon, in the mindscape, and won. Now apparently Grunkle Ford knows how to create an ice castle, and write in braille.

Then there is me. I'm decent at mini golf. I can eat 10 gallons of industrial sprinkles in one sitting. I can aim a grappling hook, and I can make sweaters. And I don't even like to make sweaters as much anymore! Bill ruined that for me. I still find fun in doing it occasionally, but definitely not as much or as often. So what am I supposed to do?

How am I even a part of this family? Maybe I need to find something new to do. Something helpful and useful. Maybe something that can even result in bonding with my family. Suddenly I know what to do. It will make Grunkle Stan proud, and even Grunkle Ford should be happy. I mean, he just handed out crossbows before. Dipper won't even probably object.

I'm going to tell Grunkle Stan right now!

I spring up and run downstairs. Grunkle Ford is with Dipper in the giant Igloo. Nerds. Grunkle Stan will get this more then they would anyways.

"Hey Grunkle Stan. I was wondering if you'd do something with me?" I ask him, moving one foot around and swinging in place. he paused the movie he was watching and sat up.

"Whats that sweetheart?" He asks. I go closer and he pulls me onto his lap like I'm a little kid. I quickly plan what I'm about to say. I rest my head sideways on his shoulder as he strokes my hair. I love him sooooooo much!

"Everyone in this family has a hobby or talent. Dipper and Grunkle Ford are nerdy, but you and I are tough. We are the fighters, but they still do fun stuff like shoot blasters at aliens and stuff. I was wondering, since you have, like, 10 guns, could you teach me how to shoot? I already have the grappling hook, and Dipper shoots ray guns with Ford all the time. Not to mention I can help you if some maniac tries to sneak a ladder into the house!" I say with my biggest puppy eyes. He looks unamused.

"No. Its too dangerous." He says and picks me up and puts me on the ground. He scratches his stomach and walks to the kitchen. I miss my hair strokes...

"Why? Because I'm a girl?" I demand, hoping to have struck a nerve. I think I did.

"No, because your immature. Dipper shouldn't even handle weapons like that in my opinion but Ford won't listen to me. You haven't come close to hitting puberty. No offence kid, but you would be one of the worst people to hand a gun." he says, making himself a cup of coffee. Doesn't he need sleep? 

"So teach me to shoot a BB gun!" I plead.

"No. I'll teach you hand to hand fighting techniques but I've seen you accidentally set off fireworks. And I've seen you burn down a house. On purpose. Not to mention the fact that you don't think before acting and have no street smarts. Its not a good idea. I'll teach you hand to hand though." He says. I cross my arms.

"Those are all irrelevant, and you helped burn the house down to! Bill held me and Dipper hostage there! I will not apologize for that, and the rest is irrelevant!

Besides, I want to be able to do something we all can do. You can shoot, Dipper can shoot, Grunkle Ford can hit a fly from almost a mile away, we tested him. I want to be included!" I beg.

"Maybe when your older." Is the reply.

"I've parachuted into the fearamid. I fought my brothers possessed body. I helped to uncover the 8 and 1/2 president. I fought Zombies. I burst out of a prison designed for me to never want to leave, literally. And that was all just when I was 12! So why can't I do this?" I plead one last time.

"Because all of those times you were acting immature. You were doing somersaults while parachuting, tickled when you fought Bill in Dippers body, sang a song to stop the zombies, rode a giant pig over sprinkles and yarn to escape the bubble with a giant knitting needle, and don't get me started on the 8 and 1/2 president. I'll teach you hand to hand now, and next summer if your ready, I'll take you to the shooting range. Final offer." He snaps. Tears are forming in my eyes.

"Fine." I grumble and sulk away.

Then I realize I found a loophole. I run out to the igloo. It takes a while, but I finally find Dipper and Grunkle Ford in the Library. I wait until Dipper leaves to use the 8th bathroom. Then I walk around the corner.

"Hey Grunkle Ford. Its so cool how you can do so much stuff. Hey, you know what your even better at then sculpting? Shooting! Yeah, you shoot better then Grunkle Stan, and he has 10 guns. And better then Dipper, not that he has much experience. I wish I knew how, but Grunkle Stan says girls shouldn't shoot guns." I say as sad as I could. His face says it all. I maybe should have worded it differently...

"That's not right! One of the best shooters I ever met was a women! I'll give him a piece of my mind!" He leaps to his feet. Might regret this later....

"NO! I mean, I've tried and so has Wendy. He still won't teach me. Wait, maybe you could teach me, but like, in private?" I ask. I hope he doesn't see through me.

"Of course! We can start tomorrow!" He declares, puffing out his chest and posing heroically. I jump up and down with happiness. I'm going to learn how to shoot!

Manipulating family doesn't count as a bad thing does it?

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