The Holiday Games

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Please don't be offended if your religion or Holiday is not included in the next three chapters or if people who celibate it are portrayed as a stereotype of any kind. I litteraly rolled a die to see what beliefs were used in most situations. I have no problem with any holidays, religion, beliefs or lack there of. I'm 100% pro freedom of religion. Thank you. Have a nice day

*Mabels Point of View

I wake up to find bright light shining through the window. I look over. Dippers still asleep. I throw on the green sweater I made last night. It has light bulbs on it as if I'm wearing a Christmas tree! I loooove this time of year. Back home, it never snowed. Today I'm going to find Candy and Grenda and make snow angles, and snow men, and a snow fort, and snow cones. Anything that starts with snow, and I'll do it!

I sneak up on Dipper. Gunkle Ford's 4th journal lays on his chest. He's snoring. Its so cute!

I jump onto his bed and yell a battle cry in his face.

He screamed like a little girl! I roll off the bed laughing. I feel a little bad. Not really. That was incredibly awesome!

"Mabel! Are you serious?" He asks, brushing off his shirt even though nothing was there.

"No, I'm silly and immature. I thought we established this." I say as seriously as I can, and soon I'm doubled over. It's been forever since I did that! Oh I miss this. I wish we were 12 again. We act like it sometimes though.

"Kids! Breakfast! I made my world famous Stancakes!" Stan calls up the stairs. We both shutter at the thought of hairy pancakes.

"And I made waffles in case you don't wish to consume arm hair by the pound!" Grunkle Ford calls after him. I'll have some of both so everyone is happy. Besides, my stomach can handle anything.

"Be right down!" Called Dipper. I skipped downstairs so he could get changed.

I jump off the last stair, did a spin in midair and slid into the kitchen. Dippers soon followed, but all normal and boring.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" Grunkle Ford asked us, pulling up a chair to sit with us. Grunkle Stan is still turned to the stove.

"I'm going to see if the Crawl Space still operates in the winter and if it changes. Ill need a disguise of course. I've been an elf before, so I might try that. Wanna come with me?" Dipper spits chunks of food as he rapidly speaks.

"I'm gonna hang out with Candy and Grenda. I even made a fun winter sweater just for today!" I exclaim. Grunkle Stan turns around and drops the plate of pancakes. No loss there.

"NO! You are NOT going out there in that. You're my favorite Grand-niece and I don't want you getting killed!" He exclaims.

"Grunkle Stan, what are you talking about?" Dipper asks, pointing his fork at Grunkle Stan.

"Its that week again." He snarls.

"Wait. They still do that? Years ago I saw people almost DIE! I thought they'd put an end to it!This crazy town! First the election process. Then there's the whole marriage to Woodpeckers thing. And the Woodstick festival. And Summerween. Then there's the never mind all that act. Now this is still going on? Hmm, I think I forgot something." Grunkle Ford seems pretty mad.

"Hey Poindexter. You forgot that this town is magic, is the starting point of an almost Armageddon, and nobody in this town is even CLOSE to normal!" Grunkle Stan snapped.

"You never told us. Whats going on? Why can't I wear my sweater?" I ask. Grunkle Stan sits down. They both adjust their glasses at the same time.

"Well, its a long story. It all started years ago. Everyone in the town was getting ready for the holidays. Christmas Trees were being chopped down and put in windows. Menorahs were brought out. Banners were hung. Traditional garments were worn. The Corduroys got out their crossbows and Camouflage. Everyone was happy.

Get It Through Your HeadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora