Bill, Kill, Will, and Nill

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*Stans Point of View

Everything is weird and fuzzy. And everything hurts. But I'm alive. That's always a plus. I faintly can hear and make out the outline of Bill and Ford negotiating.

"YOU GIVE HER BACK SIXER! OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL FEZ. AND PINETREE. AND SHOOTING STAR. AND I'LL MAKE IT HURT! GIVE ME BACK MY NILL!" Bill screams. I've never seen him with so much, or really any emotion. Woah.

"You want your family? Then give me back mine." Ford demands. Bills family? I must not be hearing what I think I am. Their voices raise but I hear nothing. Not really. I'm aware of sound. But I just cant process it.

So tired..

I try to stay awake. For them. If I go to sleep now I might not wake up again. I have to stay, what's the word again?

So tired.

I can't help it. Its just, slipping away.


Then Ford is at my side. Shaking me. But its not helping. So, so tired. Must, must sleep.

And so I slip into a trance. Not sleep. This, this is, something new.

I see a bright light. And a woman all too familiar.

"Mom?" I ask her.

"Stanley, my son. You gave your father and I quite the scare when you faked your death. But we can be happy now." She says extending her hand. I want to take it. Leave. No more pain. Go home. No. This isn't home.

"But Ford. And Mabel. And Dipper." I pull away. She gives a knowing smile.

"Fords not ready yet. And Mabel and little Masons time haven't come yet either." She smiles.

"But its time for you to come home my boy. Your father is waiting for you too. Just come with me. Take my hand. Please, Stanley. We're so proud of you." She says. I'm crying. But this isn't right.

"No. My family, my place is with them. They need me, and I-I need them. Mom, I need to go back." I back up more.

"You can't fight this. You've tried to punch your way out of everything but you can't run from this. You can't hide. Or fight. Just relax. The pain will be gone. Your sickness, gone. And your father wants to apologise. Come home to your family." She begs.

"No. You kicked me out. Disowned me. My family is down in Gravity Falls, fighting a demon. I need to go to them!" I shout.

"Stanley. Let it go. I love you. I'm proud." Says a voice. Its dad. He never said that before. Never. To Ford, maybe. But never me.

My legs shaking, I step forwards. Its just a hand. I've shaken hands before. I can take this one. I reach out.

Then a flash of yellow and I'm falling. Down down down.

I land without hitting the ground. In front of me Bill and Ford are shaking hands.

"I saved your family. Now let me see mine." Bill demands.

"STANLEY! YOU'RE ALIVE! I'll be back for you Stan, I swear!" Ford is crying too. I can't even get up. Man, my body is way underwhelming compared to having none.


Did I just almost die?

I try to wrap my head around it.

Bill and Ford disappear. I lay there until Bill is back a few minutes later. He dismissively throws a bag of fairy dust at me. I hold my breath. Can't. Breath.

I have to stay awake. Bill doesn't seem to care. His bowtie expands into a screen split two ways. I can't see very well because he turns but I saw a glimpse of blue on one side and on the other a flash of red.

"Yellow?" He asks. The two other voices say hello.

"What do you want Bill? I have some people I need to take care of." Says one voice.

"I-I-I  d-don't  m-m-mind. Its n-n-nice to have a b-b-brake fr-fr-from these Gleefuls." Stutters the other. Gleeful. Like Gideon?

"Will, Kill. I found another Cipher. I found Nill." Bill says. Then I can't help it. I take a sharp breath and everything goes quiet and still as I drift off to sleep.

Who's Kill, Will, and Nill? Whoever they are, I think they're going to be trouble.

Lots of trouble.

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