Meet The Ciphers

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*Bills Point Of View So Stop Reading This Already!

Geez. You fans are CRAZY! I'm sure the last few Chapters were confusing to say the least. So this chapter exists. For now. If you're all high and mighty then go ahead and skip it. But you'll miss me. Admit it, you'd miss me.

Man, I really do sound like a broken record. Man, I really do sound like a broken record.

Ha! Gotcha! You that read wrong. You read that wrong too. And now you back went and checked. This is that awkward when you need to stop staring at a screen because you're seeing things. When did I say awkward moment?

Ok. I'm done messing with you. Like that at least. For now.

Ok. So, its not my favorite subject. But I had a family. Technically, nobody is born a demon. But our race of shapes get turned to demons as is part of our culture you might say. Now its optional and yada yada yada. But everyone does it.

Not that there are really any of us left. I was a kid. Young and foolish. I wasn't even 1000 years old. But I craved power. Its common in Dream Demons you know.

So I made deals. Helped people out for favors in return. Built myself up. But I couldn't get enough. I wanted to rule. I mean, I had my younger siblings. But my older ones too. In fact, I was literally the middle child. 333 older siblings. 333 younger.

We most of the time were out of each others way. But little groups of us clustered. One thing about the Ciphers is we are, or were rich. Power. Money. Fame. We all had our own massive bedrooms. So the other family's kept their kids to themselves. And we did likewise.

I definitely had favorites. For one, Mill was pretty chill. Unlike Chill. He was a power hungry jerk. Belle and I were identical in power and color scheme. So we stayed away from each other. Gill was a real stick in the mud but he was pretty clever. Phill was nice enough. And Borris was fun to hang out with. But the baby of the family is always the one I loved most. Little Nill. If I was a human I'd be about 11 pushing 12. She'd be a number you cant comprehend. Shed have the mind of about a 5 year old. Just as I have the one of a full grown ingenious adult. But shes closer to about 2 months old in your dimension. Again, you couldn't even comprehend her.

She always saw the good in everything and everyone. Never doubting anyone. Not even me.

As my thirst for power grew, I made enemies. From Dimension 0 to 89'\€ everyone I knew hated me, feared me, respected me, or all three. And just about everyone knew how much I loved Nill. Shes the light of my life. My purpose of existence. Or she was.

It didn't take long for others to see her as my weakness. Nill is too trusting. You offer her a little treat and she'll follow you off the edge off a cliff. Especially if you know her already.

The Strange family had some weird kids. Stupid too. They snuck in and kidnapped Nill. They demanded that Kill and I give them all of our power for her. We killed them. The old. The young. The guilty and innocent. But I left the youngest as a tribute of sorts to Nill, and then I took Nill home. But I should have killed Tad Strange too. Never leave a single demon alive and standing or you will pay dearly.

He fought the three strongest of us and inevitably lost. But he took Wills confidence with him. Not that he had much to begin with. Tad Strange was the last of his kind in the gene pool. So we wiped his memories, capped his powers and sent him to the most  miserable dimension and planet of all. 46'\ Earth. He was like a normal person there. It was actually bizarre. Too normal. 

After killing, I couldn't stop. I made a deal with the AXOLOTL, who's a big jerk by the way. It tricked me into a trap. I took over my dimension under a spell it put on me in exchange for a 2nd life should I die. It was like when Pinetree was floating outside of his body in the Mindscape. Except I was watching but couldn't even talk, I was a shell. A puppet.

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