Open your eyes, for without them you're blind

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*Bills Point of View

Fez is driving me insane. I don't know how. I don't know why. But somehow he can unfreeze himself occasionally. I keep thinking its something else trying to trick me. But no. Fez is stronger in the summer yet he still can fight me. He and I would get along great, if he didn't punch me into temporary non-existence, or if I hadn't done any of the following; Tricked his entire family. Posses him, his brother, and his nephew. Crash his Nieces birthday plans. Ruined his house. Ended the world for a week. Kidnapped everyone he even knows. Killed a kid on his front lawn..... You get the picture.

So now I have him in the dungeon chained to a post. You'd think days of this without any food or clean water would break a guy. Especially an old guy. But all he does when I visit is tell me Ex-wife jokes. At least 20 of them have the punchline 'but her aim is getting better' and I swear I'm ready to kill him. But I LITERALLY can't. You always want to hear it so here's a bit of background information. You're welcome.

Magic works in weird ways. Coming from me. So anyways, if anyone is a part of the Cipher Wheel then they're immune to me. I could try to kill them. Trust me, I have. But they simply can't die. I can trick others into killing people in the Cipher Wheel. I can trick people into killing themselves, but I can't do it. Its not actually because I'm a demon. Its because there are three deadly curses. The human world has barely touched down on this.

There is killing, controlling, and awakening. So death, possession, and raising the dead. As zombies.

I've always tried to keep it even. Because we all know if you do too much of one then you loose privileges of others. A few thousand years ago I found a whole new pleasure in possession at the discovery of pain. I overused it and now I can't create undead hordes or kill certain people.

I can't kill anyone unless they have tried to trick, kill, manipulate, erase, or in general make themselves my enemy. But if they're part of the Cipher Wheel then I can't touch them. Which limits who I can kill significantly. For one, most people in this hick town are connected to one symbol or another. I couldn't kill during Weirdmageddon because that fat little brat Gideon made everyone associated with his symbol. Stupid kid. As if the rules weren't strict enough.

Its really actually bothering me. But I never tell anyone. You don't count. You're in the 3rd Dimension, also known as reality. My ultimate goal. But by the time I get there my parents should unground me. Just kidding. But really, the counsel should pardon me.

This is how I killed Gideon. He's not part of the wheel anymore, and he has, on multiple occasions, broken deals and thus made himself an advocacy. That's why I got away with that.

Ok. My secrets have been spilt. I'm sure you'll all try and break the fourth wall in the comments but that's my thing. Go ahead and try to warn the Pines. They can't hear ya suckers!

So back to now. Mini Sixer here is panicked. She isn't too bright for someone so smart. I could call her by her Zodiac of course. Nah, that got me in trouble last time. Mini Sixer kinda stuck anyways. Chapter 30 something. Might as well keep it. I might just call her Mini though. V works great to. Shes the only one around here who's name starts with a V after all. And Joltz will make her mad. I can always use that.

"Ok kid. This'll be a snap. I show the wheel, you shake my hand to never tell and I'll let you and Fez go back home. Lets go." I drag her to the room by the scruff around her neck. One, because teleporting takes a lot of energy, and 2, because it freaks her out more to drag her.

Yes. I AM enjoying this too much.

Calm down Becky.

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