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*Mabels Point of View

Dippers memories start to whirr to life on the screen. Its dark and fuzzy at first but it clears. Its a montage of horror. Grunkle Ford said this isn't as bad as some, but I can't think of worse!

Bill disguised himself as us and made Dipper think we died over and over. He cut him with a knife. He electrocuted him. Tried to drown him. Starved him. Constantly fought him in the mindscape. Bill tricked him. Worst of all was how long Bill was in control before we caught on.

I can't take it. I was going to be strong. For Dipper. But his screams are going to haunt me forever. I can't.

Then I hear a floorboard creak outside. I leap out of the room, ready to fight. Its just Vicky. Oh, wait.

"You weren't supposed to see that." I whisper as Grunkle Ford steps out.

"Neither were you." Is her reply.

"Girls. I want you both to go to sleep. I have some Fairy Dust if you need it. I need to help Dipper. " he tells us. We argue for a bit but eventually we do as told. Vicky still is in her old clothes. I grab us each a bowl of cereal for dinner as she changes into her new PJs. She moves much more, and I hate to say it like this, normal with her new brace. I don't know any better way to say it. She comes back just a bit later.

She really likes purple. Fine by me. Her PJs are some loose, baggy lavender sweatpants and a fuzzy, warm deep purple shirt with a math joke on the front. When did that become cool again? It slipped right past me!

"Dreamy-O's. My favorite." She says unenthusiastically. I know she really does like them though. I finished my cereal and go change into some purple pants, an extra oversized sweater. And some fluffy white slippers.

We both should go sleep but we don't.

"I didn't see ya know. I only heard. I still shouldn't have." She apologized. I don't want to accept it but I still do. I look at the clock. Man times sure does fly.

"11:00. Dippers favorite show will be on in five minutes." I say absentmindedly. She perks up.

"Ghost harassers?" She implores. I nod.

"I love that show! Come on!" She drags me into the parlor to watch. We watch for quite a while. She eventually falls asleep but I can't. Not after what I just saw. I can't believe Dipper had to put up with all that! I lost it after causing weirdmageddon. I eventually got iver it. But this is a million times worse.

Then a shadow appears on us I look up. Its Grunkle Ford! An explanation is ready on my lips when I see it. He's not alone. Dippers standing right next to him. Awake.

"Dipper!" I fling myself at him, tackling him to the ground.

"Woah! Mabel? You sure are different. Who's that? Your new friend? And why is Grunkle Stan all weird looking and, uh, smart?" He asks me. I step back. What's going on? Please tell me I'm getting Kerpranked.

"He can't remember since around the time you uncovered the Society of the Blind Eye. Back when you were 12. Its slowly coming back, but he won't be caught up for at least a month." Grunkle Ford says gravely. This means he can't help rescue Grunkle Stan because he can't give us the recent memories. Grrat.

But this is really is great! He isn't traumatized. Hes confused but not paranoid. Well, a little paranoid. It is Dipper after all. I do my best to fill him in. Without the trauma. He falls in love with 'The Author' all over again. Its chaotic. Poor Vicky woke up to this mess and went quietly to her room. I'll go up in a bit. I feel bad that she just dropped in on this crazy town.

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