Just Another Game

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*Bills Point of View

This is working swell! I broke Mini Sixer with ease. Just took 4 short days of isolation with no sleep! The rest of the Pines have my wheel but they drew one of the symbols wrong. They can't summon me or take me out until they get it right. Its not their fault, the kid drew it wrong in the first place.

I have them all wrapped around my fingers. Meer pawns in my game.

I love it when a good plan comes together.

Fordsy is thinking about trying to strike another deal with me. Fez blames himself. Shooting Star is starting to loose it, and Pinetree already did.

Just another few weeks and the spell I put on them will be complete and they'll all have forgotten my weaknesses and my new wheel. They'll forget me. Just as I planned.

And then I can plant my new background stories in their minds. How else do I explain new people and babies?

Each story has precise details. Question Mark writes his fan fiction, I write mine. Don't judge. I had nothing else to do.

This way I can force my favorite ships. Which are the ones that cause misery. I'm rather fond of Dipcifica. Because she would boss him around and humiliate him, and tenderhearted Pinetree will do nothing because he cares for her. Or thinks he does.

You probably don't believe me but I'm a shipper. I just don't like any ships involving myself. I'm too good for anyone in this town. If I had to choose anyone though it'd be either Sixer or Pinetree, just because how much misery it would cause them. I guess Shooting Star wouldn't be THAT bad either because we both love chaos and such. But everyone seems to forget, I'm older than the human species. And people judge Pinetree for for crushing on Red because the age gap between them. Not to mention its sick. Nasty. Gross. Like Pinecest.

We won't get into that one.

Hmm, interesting.

Mini Sixer says she'll do anything. Im willing to test that.

I was hoping you'd say that. I project into her mind.

"P-Please, I'll do a-anything" she studders. Shes probably hungry. Its been 4 days since shes even seen daylight much less food or water.

I snap my fingers with one hand on my side. We're in the penthouse and there are several consumption options. All from other dimensions. Fordsy would recognize them. I've got prpef, mfb, klojxi clla, and xizleli. I'm pretty sure she isn't supposed to drink xizleli but I don't care.

She's clearly hungry and thirsty but won't touch any of it. Smart kid.

"So what do you want?" She asks me. Straight to the point. I could get used to this.

"Well kid, your family is getting desperate. So are you. And I'm getting bored. Lifes just a game of interdimenstional chess, but when you loose, you loose big. I'm ready to sacrifice some pawns. But I have yet to decide which ones." I say. She stares at me blankly. I miss Sixer. He was bright. Typically. Why else would I call him IQ or Brainiac? Besides sarcastically when hes being stupid.

"I'm giving you a choice. You can help your family. Or help yourself." I say. This time she gets it.

"Depends. Whats your version of help?" She asks. I like this kid.

"Maybe you should be IQ. I got some big plans coming. You can't stop them. No one can. But you can change the outlook for someone. You just have to do me a teeny tiny favor." I tell her.

"Change the outlook, how?" She asks. I'm getting impatient.

"I'll let one person keep their memories. One. And everyone else in this hick town will loose them. You get to choose who keeps them as long as you do me this itty bitty favor." I elaborate. I listen to her thoughts as this sinks in.

Dipper would be all the better for this. Poor kids been through a lot. I wouldn't mind forgetting some stuff. Mabel would hate me. But she wouldn't know it. Grunkle Stans forgotten stuff before so I'm sure its fine to wipe his memory. My best bet is probably letting Grandpa keep his memories. That way he can stop Bill. And help us.

I'm getting ahead of myself. Bill probably is going to try to trick me. He's probably reading my thoughts right bow! How do I block him out again? Oh right! Suddenly her thoughts become silent. I could easily break down her somewhat weak mental barrier but that would probably kill her and Fordsy would most likely hold that against me for some reason.

"Whats it gonna be, kid? Dweep? Joltz? Mini Sixer? V? I got more. I'm getting impatient. I could send you back to the room of course. That might help you make up your mind." I say.

"I'll do it!" She exclaims.

"Excellent." I offer my hand. But the little yfqze wouldn't shake it!

"What is this favor?" She asks hesitantly. Great. If I tell her she won't do it but if I don't she STILL won't do it. Skirt around it is my only choice.

"I need someone to get certain meatsacks out of town. So I can wipe their memories of this place and they never come back. Because if I restart certain people, others wil come looking and we'll have trouble. 2 of them are actually after your family. So I just need someone to get rid if them for me." I say. I hope she doesn't want me to elaborate on this.

"Oh. Um..

I'll do it. But you can't hurt people. Or make me hurt people. Or-or get rid of anyone on the cipher wheel." She counters.

"No can do. Practically everyone can stand in for part of the Cipher Wheel. The agents after your family? One is cool under pressure and the other one got a tattoo of the six fingered hand based off those stupid journals." I say.

"Ok. Fine. Its a deal." She says. THATS MY LINE! Oh well. I grab her hand and blue fire reflects in her eyes. This will be fun.

Because she forgot one little detail. I can force her to hurt, kill, or kick out whoever I want!

Don't you just love a good loophole?

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