I'll Do It, For Them

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*Fords Point of View

After Mabel is dragged away I'm wheeled along into another room. The opposite direction of where they took Dipper and Wendy.

I pretend to struggle against the bonds. Whereas I'm actually working the miniature blade out of the hem in my jacket. The second I'm alone, I'm outta here. I'll grab Dipper and Wendy. Mabel is more complicated, as usual. But I'll work it out.

We come to a stop on a small room. The walls are unpainted cement blocks. The light is uncovered. Its all rather creepy.

"Look. We don't have time for this right now. There is a demon that threatens humanity itself. We have to stop him before more innocent people are hurt!" I try to reason with them.

They ignore me. A very self important figure walks in and the room becomes silent.

"We are aware. Bill Cipher has cast a memory curse on this entire town, and once every member of the cipher wheel is his desired age, everyone else will instantly become the age that he wants as well. Your family has already been affected. So we are going to run some experiments." The man says. He slips back his hood to reveal, someone I've never seen. The others do too. I've never met any of them. That's when I remember they're not from around here.

"I will not be your lab rat!" I proclaim with confidence.

"We figured you'd say that. Your niece is off on a date. It be a real shame if we called off the body guards following her. We all know Gideon can't be trusted to do anything honorable. His pay checks to us bounce. His own mother has been scarred for life. Not to mention his search history. Just imagine what he'd do to a defenseless little girl?" He threatens.

"Mabel has taken self defense. I'd be surprised if she hadn't beaten the snot out of that child by the end of the night, with or without your men." I say more confidently then I feel. If he touches a single hair on her head I'll drop kick him into the bottomless pit and put a giant rock over the opening.

"And of course there's the matter of your almost apprentice. So much fun we could have with him. Just tied to a table sent him into a panic attack. I wonder if Bill would be able to resist if we dragged him up there? Or perhaps we could add to his freak marks? Add a few new constellations?" He taunts me again. I loose it.


And if you touch him. I'll let my brother take care of you. You'll wish you had run into a rathtar nest. You'll wish you were dead. You'll be in pain that humans didn't know was POSSIBLE!" I snarl. He just laughs.

"Struck a nerve, did I? If you don't cooperate we'll just use him. You see, there's always a loop hole." He holds up a needle.

"So. You or Mason. Take your pick." He cackles. Hes insane! But I can't let these kids get hurt. I relax and let them conduct their stupid experiments and answer all of their questions. As long as they don't hurt the kids.

*Dippers Point of View

"So we'll just do our trials on your uncle or sister." The woman shrugs. She heads for the door. Mabel hates needles and I won't let either of them get hurt.

"Fine! Just please. You can't hurt the others." I relent. She lets out a laugh. It sounds almost like Bill's laugh. I shiver.

"I won't touch them." She gives an evil smile. I sense a loophole here. But there's nothing I can do. Besides. Its fine. As long as they don't hurt the others. As long as they don't hurt my family. As long as they don't hurt Mabel.

*Wendy's Point of View

They cover my mouth in duct tape. I trained for this situation though. I lick my lips until the tape is off and I'm screaming select words at them again.

"Just put her under so we can conduct the tests!" A female voice snaps.

"But she has to be awake!" A guy replies. I kick someone in the nards and mentally give myself extra points for it. The people holding my shoulders hold me lower down my arms. I see it a second too late.  Someone punches me in the gut. Hard. Over and over until I can't breathe.

"Now. We got plenty of other unwilling test subjects. But teenagers, specifically female subjects work best. Lucky us, we have 2. But we only need one. Spare us the drama and we'll spare the Pines girl." The guy on my left impatiently demands. I struggle. And bite. And kick. But I have no choice. So I agree. But when my family find out, these fools will wish they had never messed with the Pines or the Courdorys. Heck, Stan would kick their a- you get the idea.

I'm doing this for them.

*Mabels Point of View

I dust off my hands and look at my handy work.

Gideon and two thugs that were following us lay unconscious in the grass. Grunkle Stans lessons really payed off! He'd be so proud!!!!!

That was an epic fight and I'm glad I was there and got to know what happened. It'd really suck to not know the epic details.

I wipe the dirt and blood off my hands. Now I just have to retrace my steps. Or should I get help? My family needs me, but what help am I if I get captured? 

I weigh my options and decide to get help. Wendy's family should be able to help us! The police are jokes, but I'll bring them too. And maybe I can get help from others. I hope they can wait.

I push my way through the forest until I come to an unfamiliar road. I follow it until I hit an invisible wall. The town border. I turn around and jog as much of the distance as I can. But I'm not in the best shape, not really. I arrive at the town, huffing and puffing. What am I here for again?

I see Lazy Susan. I wonder how her date with Grunkle Stan went? Wait. I know that. It was horrible! How did I forget?

Its Bills curse! I'm already starting to forget! I get to the Corduroys house in the woods as fast as I can. They're already riled up about Wendy being gone. Good. We'll need anger.

I should stop watching so much dramatic Anime with Soos. But I love them so much!

Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland come too. Not that they'd be much help. We gather a few more people. We're getting them back.

I don't care what it takes. I'm doing it. For them.

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