Hyunjeong/HyunIn - claustrophobia

Comincia dall'inizio

Oh 어느 순간 사라지네
Oh 갑자기 떠나가네
넌 멀어지지마 everyday, day day day
붙잡아줘 내 손을 꼭 붙잡아줘야야야 내 꿈속에서 너는 잔인한 것 같아
야야야 눈뜨면 내 앞의 너는 사라질 것 같아
야야야 난 상관없어 네게 들이대고 볼래
야야야 say what
야 verse twoBrrr 난 아직 두려워 출구가 안 보이는 목표가 no ay ay ay
계속 봐와도 방황해 난 믿지 못해
더는 나라도 uh
그래도 다 달려들어 그 꿈 너를 향해 run
흔들리는 동공을 감추지 못해
내 열정을 모두 분출

YAYAYA blasted out of chan's speaker probably deafening the managers  but the members didn't care at that point. However despite Chan trying to take Jeongin's mind off the airport the boy still felt anxious.

Jeongin had began tugging on the sleeves of his, well Hyunjin's, jumper.

The journey to the airport was a lot quicker than Jeongin had hoped and just by looking out the blackened windows he could see crowds of camera's waiting to take photos of the boys. Jeongin stayed seated as he started to try and block out the thoughts of the cameras. Whilst, Felix,Changbin and Chan were getting out the car; Chan saw Jeongin still sitting with his eyes tightly shut.

"Lix can you get Hyunjin for me" Chan asked Felix as he decided to stay in the car with Jeongin.

Felix quickly rushed to the other car which had just pulled up.

"Hyunjin-a, Innie isn't feeling great" Felix quickly spat out.

Hyunjin clambered out the car as quick as possible and rushed to the other car. He slid open the door and climbed in and smiled lightly at Chan before going over to jeongin and crouched down.

"Hey Innie, look at me okay, focus on my voice" Hyunjin began to say as he gently took one of Jeongin's hands and stroked comforting patterns on the Youngers hand.

"It's okay, we'll be with everyone else and you can put your mask and hat on to protect you from some of the flashing yeah?" Hyunjin squeezed Jeongin's hand slightly.

The Maknae looked up at Hyunjin still slightly shaking but nodded towards his boyfriend.

Hyunjin unbuckled Jeongin's seatbelt and let him stand up. The other members apart from Chan had left to wait by the crossing.

"It won't take long Innie, and there's less cameras than last time" Chan pointed out to the younger.

Jeongin sighed and nodded and the three got out the car and joined the others. Hyunjin and Chan made sure to stay by the younger as they crossed to protect him from some of the flashing.

The group started to cross the road and from there onwards the flashing got brighter and brighter. Jeongin kept his head down and his eyes on Hyunjin's feet who were in front him.

Things were going fine until they entered the airport.

Stray Kids popularity had grown in size but they didn't expect it to be so packed. Jeongin took a deep breathe and continued walking trying to keep his eyes on his boyfriends feet. However that because a task in its own when they crowds began to bump directly into him.

Did the managers not see this? Did the fans not realise he was there?

As the knocking and pushing got harder Jeongin struggle to keep up with the group and instead was pushed amongs the swarm of fans. Being carried away from the group Jeongin struggled to keep track of where Hyunjin was.
Where any of them were.

The panicking boy pushed his way out of the crowd and tried to catch his breath. He leant against a wall and sat down curling up.

Didn't anyone notice he'd gone?
Tears started streaming down his face as he help back his cries.

On the other Hand the group of 7 had made it to the check in without any hassle or so they fault.
Hyunjin turned around to check on his boyfriend who had been following behind him.
"You okay Inn-" Hyunjin stopped

Jeongin wasn't there.

The elder frantically checked their group for Jeongin.
"Guys where is innie??" Hyunjin panicked shaking Chan's arm.

Chan looked away from Felix alarmed at what he heard from the younger member.

"What?! Jeongin isn't with us?" Chan spoke fairly loudly catching the other members and managers attention.

Hyunjin quickly pulled out his phone and called his boyfriend, praying that he would pick up.

The dial went on for a little time before a quiet voice was heard from the other end.

"Hy-Hyung?" Jeongin whispered.

Hyunjins eyes watered as he hoped for the maknae's safety.

"Innie,baby,where are you?" His voice was soft and calm contrary to how the boy looked.

Jeongin looked around there was nothing very distinctive near him apart from a row of vending machines that stood broken.

"By the row of broken vending machines" Jeongin managed to get out despite his unstable breathing.

Hyunjin nodded," okay innie stay there,I'll stay on the phone with you okay?"

Hyunjin quickly told the managers and one manager plus Chan and himself rushed off to where they knew the only broken vending machines could be. The crowd has calmed down now as they waited for another celebrity or idol to appear out front and so it was a lot quicker to navigate the way.

"Baby, I want you to take some deep breathes for me okay" Hyunjin spoke softly on the phone after hearing Jeongin's unstable breathing pattern.

"Just take some deep breathes and just think of your safe place okay"

Jeongin shut his eyes and mumbled a yes as he focused on his home in Busan filled with his family eating a hearty dinner and laughing with each other.

Just by the breathing on the other side of the phone Hyunjin could tell his boyfriend had called down slightly.

Before he knew it he spotted Jeongin curled up by a pillar hugged his backpack.

Hyunjin ran over to him and brought him into a tight hug.
The sudden appearance of the elder made Jeongin jump but also immediately calm down. He hugged back just as tightly.
Hyunjin stroked Jeongin's hair as he felt some fresh tears on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Hyung is here now" Hyunjin whispered to Jeongin.

"We need to go so we don't miss our plane, want to jump on my back?"

Jeongin immediately brightened up and wiped away his tears and nodded. Hyunjin crouched down and the boy jumped up and latched himself onto his boyfriend.

"Okay koala, you ready?" Hyunjin smiled as he began walking.

Jeongin felt a lot calmer being in Hyunjin's presence he was glad that he knew he could always rely on Hyunjin to calm him down.


Wow finally I finished writing this~ not sure when the next one will be out because I have a lot of work due this week 👀

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