His Proposal - 15

Start from the beginning

Riley takes the fruit and nut, Irina takes the plain one and Eliana takes the caramel one leaving me with the different flavoured ones.

Unlocking the door I climb into the car and place my food on the console. I start the car and wait for the girls to get in the car.

My phone vibrates and I know that it's a text from Chloe. I look at the phone and open the message.

Riley leans across the console. "Is that your girlfriend, Jai?"

Moving my phone away from her prying eyes. "That's none of your business, Riley. I do however have to thank you for contacting Chloe for me. I've been talking to her every day since that day."

Chloe: Good luck with the girls. Let me know when you arrive in Miami.

Me: I will. If I need you to rescue me would you?

Chloe: It depends.

I laugh at her response.

Riley looks at me. "What's funny?"

"Oh, something Chloe said." I pull out of the service and head towards the interstate.

At the next stop, I send Chloe a message.

Me: The chocolates are working, but the music is terrible. How am I supposed to enjoy driving with all the stupid pop music in my car?

Chloe: They're catchy songs. Just sing-a-long with them. It will make them happy.

Me: Thanks.

Chloe: Some guy is looking for you.

Me: Who?

Chloe: Knox Moretti. He came by for a drink and asked for you.

Why did Knox have to wait for me to be out of town for him to show up at my club? I like it better when he gives me a warning before showing up at my establishments.

Me: Is he still there?

Chloe: Yes,

Me: I'll get rid of him. I never wanted you to meet him this way. He should have known better than to show up at my club without telling me.

Chloe: He's not bothering anyone.

Me: I don't care. He knows the rules about not visiting my workplace without talking to me first. Are they carrying their weapons?

Chloe: Yes,

Me: Be safe.

Scrolling through my phone I find Knox's number and call him. I step out of the car and walk away from the car.

I really don't want the girls to hear my conversation with Knox. When I deal with Knox and Riker I have to act tough and scary, but most of the time I'm a soft teddy bear. That's the way I want those girls to remember.

Knox: Knox Moretti.

Me: What the fuck are you doing in my club?

Knox: I have to talk to one of your employees who's been stealing from me and he's been doing everything to evade me. The only place I know that I can see him is in the club. Apparently, he seemed to try to evade me here, but that didn't work since the beautiful brown haired waitress told me that he had to take care of something.

Me: Stay away from her, Knox. She's mine.

He laughs.

Knox; I know she's yours. She's safe, Jai. I think it's best if you get your men to take her home if they don't want her to witness what I'm capable of.

Me: I'm on it.

Hanging up the phone I pull Ethan's number up and send him a message.

Me: Can you walk Chloe out to the car?

Ethan: Sure,

Walking back to the car I climb into the driver's seat. Gripping the steering wheel I watch as my hands turn white.

Please get out of their safely, Chloe.

Irina is the first one back from the restroom and she looks at me. "Is everything alright, Jai?"

Shaking my head. "No, it's not. I just had to handle something, but it's hard for me to do it properly when I'm here and everything is in Los Angeles."

She places her hand on my shoulder. "Everything will turn out alright. You know I have to remind Riker at times that he's doing the right thing, even though at times it's not true. Do you want me to drive for a bit and you can talk to Chloe?"

"That would be great." I climb out of the driver's seat and walk to the passenger side seat and I climb in.

Pulling out my phone I look at the messages that I've been sending Chloe and it makes me smile.

The girls return a couple of minutes later. Riley climbs into the back seat and she doesn't say anything about the changing of seats.

Irina pulls out of the parking spot and she heads back onto the interstate.

Once we're on it I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and see a message from Chloe.

Chloe: I made it home.

Me: That's good. Have a good night, Chloe.

Chloe: You, too. Night.

I put my phone in my pocket and close my eyes.

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