His Proposal - 66

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I see an older woman that looks like Mom. She has the same hair colour, eye colour and her face are identical to the one I saw while I was growing up. "Who are?"

She takes a step forward. "I'm Lysa Cole. I am your mother's twin sister. I have been looking for you for a while."

Shaking my head.

That's impossible. Mom and Dad's families died when I was ten. If they were still alive I would have known.

"Mom told me everyone from Dad and her family died." I look away from the woman standing in front of me.

She touches my face. "They are. I wasn't in the country when my family died. I have been moving around to stay away from the people that wiped out our family. I did hear that I have some nieces and nephews around. I heard that your father's brother's son Carter was alive too."

Walking over to the seat that's close to me I sit. "What else did you hear?"

"I heard that my niece killed the guy that wiped out our family and I knew it was time for me to come home as well. I want to be here for my only living relatives."

"Lysa there's nothing you can do for us. My sister, Aleysa, has cancer and she's dying. My brother is turning eighteen and he's leaving for University and me, well I have a boyfriend. I could have used some help earlier, but now I don't need it."

"What did my sister tell you about me?"

Pulling away from her. "She told me that her twin was the most important woman in her life and she was consumed with grief when she found out you died. She told me that if you were really dead she would be able to feel it, but she knew you weren't. She spent time looking for you after my tenth birthday. After two years Dad told her that she couldn't look for you anymore. I just wish that you came home earlier than this."

"I couldn't have come home early. I would have been killed like the rest of the family and I didn't want to end up like them." She stands up. "How did they come across you? How did your siblings end up out of harm's way? Who are the people that you're visiting here with? I see that they have your sibling's wrapped around there fingers and I don't like it."

Rising I look at the woman in front of me. "First of all I haven't seen you in a really long time and I forgot that Mom had a sister. They came across me when my cousin decided to pay me a visit at my boyfriend's place. We were ambushed because he wanted to see me and he didn't notice people were following him. I told my boyfriend that he had to save my sibling's and leave me behind. He didn't want to leave me, but I forced him too. I care more about what happens to my sibling's than myself. I let them take me in the car. I knew that I would get help eventually. My boyfriend and cousin are the types of people that can scare the Mafia away. If you put them together you get one seriously pissed off duo and add me to the mix you get something worse, but with me, I have nightmares about the night that I killed the man that took me. At the end of the day it came down to him and me; I chose to save myself and thought the consequences should be damned." Looking around the room I say. "And for your last question about who the couple are that in the hospital. Well, they are my boyfriend's parents." I take one last look at her. "I'm going back inside. You can come with me if you want. Please be nice to Ricky and Veronica. They have helped me out since I met their son and they became parent figures in our lives."

She smiles. "I'm glad you met a nice family. I would love to meet them." She follows me into the hospital.

Making my way through the halls I hear someone yell. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I spin around and see a doctor with a gurney and a little girl lying on it.

She looked around three years old, blonde hair, blue eyes and her face was bleeding and she was crying.

I watch as the door opens and she's taken through the doors that read 'no entrance.' I knew that was the way to OR.

I wonder what happened to the little girl?

A guy stumbles through the door yelling. "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?" he holds onto the wall and he has blood dripping down his face and he's holding onto his wrist. "LIZZY,"

Walking over to him I kneel next to him and say. "The girl you're after was she about three years old?"

Grabbing my arm, tightly. "Where is she?" He screams.

Pushing his hand off me, I step away from him. "She's in the OR. She was in pain. What happened?"

He runs his hand through his hair and looks at me. "Are you a cop?"

Shaking my head, I say. "No, I'm just a concerned member of the public."

He brings his legs up to his chest and cries. "I got cut off by some asshole and I slammed into the back of the vehicle. My wife..."

Sitting close to him, I ask. "Your wife, what?"

He looks at me. "Is going to kill me when she finds out about the accident. She's going to blame me for killing our daughter."

"It's not your fault. The asshole that cut you off is to blame. Where is he?"

A gurney is pushed into the hospital and the guy I was talking to rises and he looks at the guy that caused the accident. "It's his fault my little girl could be dying."

Looking up I see a blonde run into the emergency room and she makes her way toward the guy I'm standing with. "Where is she?" she looks around. Her eyes narrow as she looks at me. "Who are you?"

"Chloe Knight, I saw your husband break down and I thought that I could help him out. I saw your daughter get rushed into the OR, he was worried about where she went and I told him. Hang in there I'm sure she will pull through." I walk away from the couple.

Lysa looks at me. "You shouldn't give those people hope that their daughter will pull through this. I was surprised that the father didn't get seriously injured. I think the daughter's side of the car was hit, that's why she was rushed to the OR."

I enter Veronica and Ricky's hospital room.

Everyone turns their head towards me and I look at them. "This is..."

Nate screams. "Aunt Lysa," a smile spreads across his face. "I'm glad you're here."

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