Book Of Questions

Start from the beginning

Dahyun : " Unnie while we were on the stage you were standing at the back while sunbae was in the front. You could have passed the bouquet so that Jeongyeon unnie who was in the front could have given the bouquet to him, but why did you choose to go to the front by squeezing yourself in the crowd and present him the bouquet? "

I read Dahyun's first question almost three times. Her question is very valid, I think. As she said I could have passed the bouquet to Jeongyeon but why did I go there myself? I ended up pondering up on Dahyun's question for some time . it totally made sense but why did I act senselessly and squeezed my way through the crowd ? I pondered for a while and then took out the pen. This time the pen was Chaeyoung's , I knew that cause she has done some art work on it and it is really very cool looking.

" yes I was at the back while Jeongyeon was in the front but I did not pass it cause I didn't want to trouble her ( I guess ) . Wasn't she busy talking with Nayeon unnie? "

I wrote her reply but was not sure whether she would be satisfied. I re-read the question and answer again and again but then ended up to the conclusion that my answer was appropriate. I moved on to her next question

" unnie when you went to give the bouquet you could have given it to other members of his team but why did you give it to him only ? "

I swear Dahyun's questions are very tricky. Again I ended up asking the same question to myself. I could have given it to the other members but I ended up giving it to him , why?

" because the other members were busy in giving their speeches or receiving bouquet from other idols. Yoongi sunbae was the closest one whom I was able to reach. "

I was pretty satisfied with my reply and I was almost going to write Yoongi oppa. Then moving on to the next question , it read

" you said that you met him at the backstage after the show right? why were you roaming around without any managers with you ? why were you not in the waiting room with us? "

This one was the easiest to answer among the three questions.

" After the show I had a individual schedule , I had to do the guid recording for our new album. I wanted to call manager oppa but there was no network available in the waiting room so I went out searching for network. "

I wrote and made the proud expression . after all I had successfully answered Dahyun's question without getting confused myself.

the next thing written was...

" so by all the above questions I come to the conclusion that you either had a crush on him before you met him or you still have a crush on him. I am sure that you two are not JUST FRIENDS. "

I read and sighed. why do all my members think we are not friends ?

" yah, are you in a court to draw conclusions like a judge ? and besides you are still young to talk about crush, love and all. "

I wrote and closed the book satisfied. The next one was of Momo

Momo : " I don't have any questions as all of the questions in my mind are already asked by the others. "

I sighed with relief , " thank god" I said to myself but there was still something else written on the page.

" but I really think that you are in love. "

I sighed and not willing to write a reply I just closed the book. The next one was of Jeongyeon's

Jeongyeon : " yah , you could have passed the bouquet to me but why did you come in the front with so much difficulty and give the bouquet ? I am just saying that you did not have to do so much hard work. "

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