Transformers Prime A.U concept + #1

Start from the beginning

Xisuma then turned back to the silent con. "Alright; you got us all here now. Best say what you want to say to us before I'm unable to order them down."

MJ's body posture didn't change for a moment. Then wordlessly, he opened a compartment in his stomach, pulling out an item and holding it in his hand.

Grian felt his optics widen. "Is that the last Key we need?"

MJ's black screen visor suddenly had a circle within the middle of it and an auto played back to them. An audio clip of Xisuma's voice. "One of the desepticons has the last key we need. The cons know we're after the keys, and so they could have the key jumped around from con to con." The audio clip shut off.

False was the first to speak up. "That seems suspicious. You show up with the last item we need and practically give it to us for free. If you're trying to win our trust you'll have to try harder than that." She hissed. 

Another audio clip played from MJ's visor and speakers. This time it was two different voices.

"My Lord Xeno, the troups are becoming suspicious. They are starting to question your actions. It is only a matter of time when it is revealed that the battles they fight are for practically nothing."

"Then silence any who dare to think otherwise."

"P-Pardon? My lord?"

"Silence those who dare think otherwise! If my brother is to fall I need all desepticons willing to bend to the snap of my fingers!"

The audio cut off. Silence followed for a second. The key still being held in MJ's hand.

Iskall was the first to break the silence with a mocking laugh. "So you came running to us out of fear of being killed in hopes we'll protect you? You're such a coward." Iskall said, crossing his arms over his chest in a taunting way.

A moment of tension filled the air as MJ's free hand clenched into a fist. Static filled his speakers. Then in a raspy yet clear tone, spoke. "I don't fear the inevitable."

The majority of the autobots were shocked, now having dropped their guards down.

Once again going mute, MJ tossed the final key to X, who caught it without breaking eye contact with the faceless con.

Xisuma stared at the much taller desepticon before speaking up again. "Welcome to the autobots."

That's when everyone freaked out.

Time Skip
Four months in with this mute creepy desepticon on their side now. MJ's insignia was changed to match the rest of the teams and he now showed up as an Autobot signal instead of a desepticon signal.

Still, Grian knew that practically everyone didn't trust the con. Himself included on that list.

The only bot that wasn't on that list was Xisuma Prime.

The Prime was the only bot to trust the new "addition". Xisuma spent time with MJ, conversed with him, ect. Well, it was like a one way conversation where listeners could only hear X speaking.

MJ hadn't changed much either. He was still this quiet, tall and creepy bot that the majority didn't trust.

Grian took note of all his teammates reactions towards the silent ex-con. Iskall was the one that seemingly had the most problem with him being there. Grian couldn't blame him.

The two bumped heads a lot on battle fields. And while MJ usually came out on top, there were times where Iskall almost put him down.

Grian was currently leaning against a bunch of stacked up metal containers watching Iskall and MJ "spare" with each other. Grian was there to make sure the two didn't try to kill each other.

The shorter autobot watched as MJ moved, seemingly always holding himself still before moving to dodge and strike. MJ's freakishly long arms gave him more of an advantage at practically everything he did.

Grian cringed when he watched Iskall get thrown for the 25th time during this single match.

Iskall yelled out, running back towards the ex-con.

MJ simply remained silent and still, facing his opponent.

Grian felt a smirk play on his lips as Iskall once again got thrown.

Yep, long limbs give a bot a huge advantage in a fist fight.


Osjfiwnfjdiek- this story didn't go anywhere. It only introduced the autobots and desepticons.

I also didn't really have anywhere else to go with this chapter and I just wanna get it out soooo- Yeah. I'll expand on this story a bit more, but for now, here have this story.

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