I leave for ONE minute

Start from the beginning

*Bills Point of View

Cute. They think they can stop me. But if I can't distract them, it'll work. I got Mini Sixer out right now, doing some work. I sent Nill with her in mindscape form.

I got a list of people I need out of this town. Agents Powers and Trigger, because they report to people outside and the last thing I need here is people coming back with knowledge of the place. Even if they've had memory reboots. Weirdmageddon sent them back.

I need Fiddlesticks out of town. His minds long gone. I can't even mess with it. So I need him outta here.

Shes also booting out Tad because it probably won't work on him. Same with my buddy Whats-his-face. I'm just getting him out so he stops bothering my enemies. Like Pinetree said, revenge is underrated. It feels great! But it can be hard to gloat if they have no face.

Not to mention I obviously got to get rid of all the clones floating around. Probably my best bet is to flash flood the town. Then I'd only have the 7 dancing clones. I'd be able to take care of them easy.

Stupid Sixer thought he could use the one being I still care about against me? Ha! Now his descendent is doing my dirty work, and I'm going to use her to break the deal with Fordsy.

Then I'm bringing in my brothers. I'm sick of this dimension. I'm not sure if I'll just give it to Will or shred it with Kill. I'll decide when they get here. Shouldn't be too hard.

At this point I'm thinking about up and leaving. Nill is getting stronger every day. She needs her own dimension. They grow up so fast! Soon she'll have concurred her first civilization. I'm so proud of who shes growing into.

Speaking of Nill, she wants another human pet. I haven't really been able to get her any and I won't let her mess with the Pines. One could escape, or get hurt, or take her hostage. The problem is, I can't just nab any human because certain people will be missed, and the next thing I know everyone is freaking out. It gets annoying. But I think I got a plan.

"Nill! Stay in your room. I'll be back in a few. Don't go anywhere, and if a meat sack comes up here, vaporize them." I call out.

" 'K dokie Billy!" her cheerful voice calls back. She is so adorable!

I pop over to the Northwest place. I heard they were back in town. Sure enough, I found the old guy in his 4th winter dining room.

"Heya Preston. Long time no talk. Listen, I got some big things coming. But I'll leave you and your estate alone if you give me one thing." I say. He screams. Of course.

I don't get why some fleshling meatsacks can't handle me. Im not THAT bad, am I?

Although, I did mess up his face before. Nothing personal of course.

"Y-you! Take anything! Please! I insist!" He drops to his knees and bows. That was easy.

"I'm taking the kid and her wardrobe. You probably won't see her ever again." I say.

"Of course. Whatever you wish master." He says, still bowed. Wow, I mean. Ok.....

"Please," he says. This must be where he begs for his only child and heirs life.

"Please, take this bell. It keeps her under control." He offers up a shiny bell.

I knew that her parents didn't love her but holy crap!

I locate the kid and encase her in a bubble sorta like shooting stars. I've grown rather fond of those. Just this one has nothing inside except an unconscious meat sack. I know Nill can make outfits herself, but I still grab the kids entire wardrobe for inspiration. She'll honestly be better off with us.

I grab the bell on my way out. I never even had to make a deal! I wish all meatsacks were like that. And I don't even burn their house down on my way out. I always can go back and do it. Win-win for everyone!

She wakes up pretty quickly. And no, I'm NOT calling her llama. Thats Kuscos nickname.

She's gotten a spark ever since the incident with the party and the level 10 ghost. Even so, I'm still a bit surprised at her guts when she speaks up.

"Let me go! Whatever you're planning, Mabel and Dipper will stop you!" She screamed at me, pounding on the bubble walls.

"I made a little bargain with your folks. Anyone at your estate will be fine as long as you agree to stick around until I say otherwise." I say with a pointed finger in the air.

"I'm not going to be your slave! I saw what happened to Dipper last summer, I refuse to let you do this!" She cried.

"Sheesh, relax Blondie. My little sister wants a pet sorata-thing. You'll have your own room and probably will be able to move freely. If you leave, the deals off. I'm not stopping you otherwise. She'll make you outfits and probably want you to play with her other pet." I put up my hands defensively. She relaxed a bit but still was hesitant. Its not the end if the world here people! At least not this time...

"Look, kid. I can't change your mind. Not without force that is. So I'll take you to meet her. And then we'll see, alright? I'm nothing like her. She's the more, you could say human side of me." I elaborate. She still is sceptical. Oh well. She'll see. And if she does leave, I'll burn her home to the ground, flip around her fathers face holes, remove her mothers hideous smile, and ruin this kids outer beauty she cares so much about. And that's just the physical stuff.

That's lesson you should learn kids. Never mess with an infinite being with no weaknesses. It just doesn't work out. Ever.

Unless you have a twin. But thats irrelevant.

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