Ivan: 09

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Two days have passed. I haven't left the comfort or the safety of my bed once, except when I needed to use the bathroom.

My stomach grumbled for what must have been the twentieth time in a row.

Reader: Shh.

I hushed it, hoping it would forget about how empty it was and leave me alone.

No matter how much I tried to forget what happened the events came rushing back in vivid detail. The stench of blood as the person clutched at their wound, the feeling of--

I shook my head hard, willing the memory away like a dog shakes to rid itself of pesky fleas.

No, I've had enough of that memory. If I lie here long enough, maybe I'll forget.

Reader: Or maybe I'll dissolve into the very fabric of these sheets...

Knock, knock!

I jumped, startled. I didn't bother answering.

Feliciano: Bella, are you all right? You haven't left your room...Yao made some delicious pancakes; aren't you hungry?

My stomach gurgled at the mere mention of food. I used a hand to stifle it.

As hungry as I was I couldn't even bring myself to sit up, instead cocooned under the covers.

Were they...worried about me?

No. Creatures like them, they don't have emotions like us.

The injured vampire's smile flashed across my mind. When I shook my head it was replaced with a different one, one that was warm and sweet, as innocent as a child's.

Maybe they have feelings...to an extent.

There was a short knock on the door before it opened. Peeling back a section of the blanket I met the Russian's eyes.

Ivan: It's time you bathed and got dressed.

Reader: Don't wanna.

I mumbled, yet he seemed to have heard anyway.

Ivan: I'm not making a request. Unless,

He put on his trademark smile,

Ivan: You wish for me to help you into the bath?

Reader: T-that isn't necessary!

I said in a huff.

His smile relaxed some, seeming less forced, more natural.

Ivan: Good. Come downstairs when you're ready.

As much as I fought it, the warmth from the water and softness of the bubbles felt heavenly against my skin. Soaking felt so wonderfully good now I never wanted to leave.

I caught my reflection in the wide mirror, red on my skin tacky.

I took a sponge, scraping off the blood that had dried on my neck with a fervor I never knew could exist.

With the water now pink I instantly got out, rinsing off my body with the shower head before wrapping up in a fuzzy towel.

I chuckled at the clothes Ivan had picked out, something ridiculously frilly and doll-like. At least it seemed toned down compared to the lolita-type dresses he had wanted me to wear in the beginning.

Freshly bathed and dressed, I found Ivan waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

Was he standing there this whole time?

Ivan: You look lovely. Come, let's get some fresh air.

I instantly gripped the railing, body tensing.

He noticed, stepping towards me, stretching out his hand.

Slowly, I let go of the rail and grasped his hand, his long fingers wrapping around mine.

Ivan: Good girl~ Let's enjoy some sunshine, yes?

I said nothing, letting him lead me outside.

Even as we walked he never let go of my hand, strolling around the grounds as though we were your average couple enjoying the good weather.

The backyard was enormous, just a large empty field neatly trimmed.

Reader: It would be wonderful to put a garden there.

I found myself saying aloud without realizing it at first.

Ivan's face lit up, smiling.

Ivan: I think that is a wonderful idea! Come, this way.

He led me a little ways behind the house, stopping in front of an old yet quaint gardening shed.

Ivan: This should have everything we need. Where do you think we should place it?

I thought for a moment, picturing a well sized garden in different areas before finally choosing a plot of land near an oak tree.

Ivan: I think that's a wonderful spot, _.

Ivan...why must you do this to my heart? Ever since the incident he has been kind towards me, saying nothing but goodness. He genuinely seems to be having a good time, too.

Even though I was unconscious, deep down I knew the face I had seen then was his, and that he was the one who saved me.

Reader: Thank you...

I whispered, quietly enough to where he couldn't hear. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to say it to his face.

Instead we got to work, planning out our new garden project together. 

Fate's Bite:  A Vampire Hetalia StoryWhere stories live. Discover now