Arthur: 02

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"Sure is big..."

As I travel downstairs, I can't help but be fascinated by how large the whole place is. It really did seem like a mansion, except... Even mansions looked smaller. I didn't have the time before to take in all of this, but... It really is intricately decorated as well. Almost as if it came straight out of the Victorian Era.


... Did I really just get lost? I was too distracted by the design of this place, and now I'm in a random hallway! I have no idea where I am!

"Arthur? Are you there?"


Hm... the kitchen has to be here somewhere. That's where he said he was, right? It can't be that far away.

I walked further into the labyrinth, looking at paintings or decorations for possible landmarks. Despite trying my best to find the main hallway, I just got myself deeper in...


I find myself facing a door with the name 'Arthur' printed on it in gold letters. They couldn't be more obvious, could they? I suppose taking a peek won't hurt...

            "Ah! Who's there?!"

"Arthur? It's me, _____."

He's sitting all curled up on the bed under the covers... Did something happen?

I cautiously tiptoed further inside past the door frame.

"Is something wrong? What happened? Weren't you in the kitchen?"

"...Why do you have to ask so many questions?"

He got so easily offended! I can't help but notice his voice seems hurt...

"Er, I didn't mean to insult you, I was just curious... I mean, you did say that you would be waiting for me."

"... They kicked me out of the kitchen." He mumbled, still hiding under the covers like a sulking child.

"They... what?"

"Even though I was making breakfast just fine, they kicked me out... The pancakes were just burned a little on the bottom, that's all..."


Was his cooking really bad enough that they exiled him altogether? From the way he's saying it, it doesn't sound that bad, but... He seems so upset.

"So what if the smoke alarm went off? That blasted thing was too sensitive anyway..."

T-the smoke alarm went off? While he was making pancakes, of all things? Is that even possible?

"That frog Francis even said he saw a black cloud of smoke... That bloody idiot always over exaggerates things anyway."

A black.. cloud of smoke? What was Arthur doing in there?!

"Er, well, we all make mistakes, right? There is no need to dwell on it."

"This was the ninth time this week..."

He must be... really awful at cooking...

"W-well, I can show you how to cook some dishes, if you would like. You can watch!"

He peeked out from under the blanket, "R-really? You would do that?"

He has such hope in his eyes...That is the look of a helpless man. Or vampire, I suppose.

"Of course! I would be happy to."

"Ah, right. Let's get going, then!" He said enthusiastically, tossing the covers off with a proud smile. 

Who would've thought that his greatest weakness was his cooking skills... Well, we all have our faults, right?

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