Chapter 24 : Deal

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Jane was sure she had fever. She couldn't check with her hands as she was tied up to the bed, but her head was burning, and she was hallucinating. It could be the meds, but she could have fever too, it was certainly both. She couldn't feel her body, the only thing she could feel was her opened wound on her back which was throbbing and stinging; every time the wind was caressing the apparent nerves, she was tensing her body to decrease the pain. And when they were treating it, they were not giving her painkillers, meaning she knew every movements they were doing. And if she was screaming, they were giving her an electric shock. She felt them placing a bandage on it and the ties getting untied. She didn't have the time to enjoy the freedom that chains wrapped her wrists and her ankles and a bag was put on her head. Her feet didn't touch the ground, the guards decided she couldn't walk at all. They carried her a few minutes before sitting her on a chair, taking off the bag, and leaving her alone in this empty white room. The elephant finally entered and sat in front of her.

- "You're strong," stated the woman.

- "A Red Eagle is strong."

- "Stop your bullshit."

- "What do you fucking want!?"

- "Shut your dirty mouth, you're not in a favorable position. What if I tell you that there is a way to get out sooner than it was planned?"

Jane took a deep breath with her nose. She didn't like when people were playing with her like that.

- "How?" asked calmly the brunette, not wanting to think it was already in the bag.

The woman in front of her leaned back on her chair, her arms crossed, with a mischievous smirk on her lips.

- "One match," answered the elephant.

- "A match? Of what?"

- "A fight, if you prefer. You win, you're free, it's as simple as that."

Jane frowned. She was a good fighter, she beat many asses before, and even stronger than her, she wasn't scared, but she didn't like it either, it seemed too good to be true.

- "What's the scam?"

- "Why would there be one?" answered the elephant with the same smug expression.

- "This whole jail is a fucking scam."

- "Do you accept?"

- "I have to answer now!?"

- "(inhaled loudly) No. When you decide, you know what to do."

The woman stood and left the room. Two guards entered and put again the bag on her head. This time, Jane had to walk, but she hadn't done that for weeks or months, so her legs were a bit numbed. When she arrived in front of her cell, she didn't hear the guards yelling. It was weird. The door opened, they took off her chains and the bag, and closed the door. Jane frowned and looked around. No one was there. What happened to her cellmate!? Did they get rid of her!? She certainly suffered the same fate as Tania. Anyway, she was all alone now, at least she was sure to have some privacy when she would use the toilet some other private things. The firsts days, it was cool, being alone wasn't a problem, but even when she was outside her cell, she was alone. Everyone was avoiding her, like if they feared her. They were right to be scared, what she did in this jail was nothing compared of what she could really do. But she was feeling lonely, even RJ's protégé stopped trying to hook her up. Mona was the only one not scared of her which meant any of the Blue Wolves feared her, but Mona was the one always trying to fight against Jane, trying to humiliate her; she even gave her a new nickname: Plain Jane. The brunette didn't care because for the others she was still Crazy Jane. But when she was in her cell, she was no one. Every second was a pain, every minute was an ordeal, and every hour seemed like death. She was a good fighter, she had no reason to fear this match, so why was she still wondering if she would do it or not!? It should be obvious, she wanted so much to be out, to see the sun again, to feel the air, to lay on the grass, it couldn't continue like that! She pounded on her door until someone opened. It was the elephant.

- "You accept?"

Jane clenched her jaw before nodding. Not surprised, the woman put a bag on her head while another one was placing chains around her wrists and ankles. The travel was longer than usual, she got in a moving vehicle this time. All the shakings turned upside down her stomach, she didn't throw up, but he was close to it. After what seemed years, the vehicle finally stopped. She entered in a cold building, heard a door opening, and got pushed. The elephant freed her. Jane looked around. It was an empty dark room with a bench and a toilet, the door was bars, the ground was cold and damp, there was one light coming from the corridor.

- "This is your new cell. We'll feed you when we want. You should train to be ready for the fight."

The woman turned around and began to walk outside the cell.

- "When is it!?"

- "You'll see," she answered without stopping.

- "How long am I going to stay in this fucking cell!?"

The elephant stopped her walk, turned around with a smug smirk, and answered:

- "You'll see."

She then had an evil laugh before definitively leaving the cell. Jane wanted to punch something, but she didn't want to hurt herself before the fight. It was worse than her cell in there, she didn't have privacy anymore, but she would be out soon. Well, she hoped, she had no information, and she was worried they could just made her disappear from the Earth and hid her body; they would certainly make it look like an accident. Nobody would know. Nobody would care anyway.

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