Chapter 2 : Court

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One week passed and Joyce was helping Jane to take all her stuff to see the judge. The young girl was confident, like if she knew what would happen. Joyce was sure to know what was going to happen, and she was sad for this future decision, it wouldn't help her to have a better life. She wasn't sure for the tee-shirt, a yellow and purple young dragon, but, at least, she was wearing a tee-shirt, which was rare.

- "When you're in court, you take off your cap, ok?" told Joyce.

- "I know," sighed Jane.

- "And watch your language when you're talking to the judge."

- "Stop being a pain in the ass! You're so annoying! We know I'll get out, no matter what! I won't even need to blag!"

- "I don't think it's a good idea."

- "And nobody gives a fuck!"

- "That's not normal," stated the mother.

- "Well, I'm not normal."

- "You know, if you need to talk, or anything, you can come to me, right?"

- "Let just go to your wheels and finish this," weakly smirked Jane.

Jane took her bags and left her room. Joyce sighed with her mouth, not knowing if she was happy to see her leaving or worried. When Joyce entered her car, she offered a cigarette to Jane, and lighted it with her own lighter.

- "Jane?"

- "(sighs with her nose) Thanks!"

- "And without breaking your jaw, I'm impressed!" mocked the mother.

- "If I had my lighter, I wouldn't have to thank you!"

- "Next time, don't burn another girl's hair."

Jane had a stupid laugh by just thinking of it again.

- "Don't laugh, it could have ended very bad!"

- "Come on! Her hair was shitty, she looks better like that!" chuckled Jane.

- "You could have burnt her, if not kill her! You could have ended in jail, is it what you want?"

- "I won't! And I'm sure it's not that bad."

- "What? Jail? You want to try?"

- "I won't have to, I'll be free in a few minutes! Just fucking drive and mind your own ass!"

Joyce rolled her eyes, started her car, and began to drive, opening the window.

- "Did you call someone to pick you up?"

- "Yup."

- "Who? Your father?" asked Joyce.

- "Pfff, he wouldn't move his ass for me."

- "He is still your father."

- "I'm just a pain in his ass. But, it's fine, I've lots of advantages."

- "Like avoiding jail?"

- "Exactly!" smiled Jane.

- "You won't avoid it your entire life, I hope you know that."

- "I know. I don't care."

Joyce felt a pinch in her heart. Jane had the same age as her son, Will, and seeing her like that, living this lifestyle, was heartbreaking for a mother. They arrived in front of the court where a policeman was waiting for them. This policeman knew well Jane's case, he arrested her many times and tried to follow her file as much as possible.

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