Chapter 8 : Side effects

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A loud music woke Jane up. Who could listen to music this loud, it was insane! She opened one eye with difficulty, but the light of the sun caused her a violent headache, like if someone was hitting her brain with a hammer. She closed her eye again before trying to sit with her arms in front of her to find some balance. Once sat, she realized she was naked. She slowly moved her legs to put her feet on the floor, groped around to find her bra and pants. When she finished putting her clothes on, the music got louder and louder, resonating in her head. She pressed her temples, wanting this to stop! It was too loud! It would make her angry! And when she was angry, she was violent and acting stupid! She slowly opened her eyes, wanting to know where it was coming from, but everything was different. The colors, the colors were not the same, it was like if someone painted everywhere without following the outlines. She brutally stood and felt her stomach burning, then her esophagus, before running out of her bedroom to go on the small room at her right and throwing up in the toilet on the left. She collapsed on the floor, still hearing this music and not seeing correctly. A shape appeared in front of her and forced her to sit, putting her head in direction of the toilet. She could see her aunt's lips moving, but she couldn't hear what she was saying! This music was too loud! And this headache was the worst she never had, it was like if someone was shaking her brain again and again. The door closed; now Jane was in the dark. Maybe it was better like that; she couldn't see the colors, and the light wasn't there anymore to accentuate her headache.

Cassandra closed the toilet door because someone was knocking at the door, and she didn't want this person to see Jane like that, just in case. When she opened her door, she rolled her eyes of annoyance.

- "You again!?"

- "Good morning to you too," smiled Hopper.

- "What do you want!?"

- "We wanna see the apartment."

- "You wanna buy it!?"

- "No, but we have a search warrant to see if the stolen objects are here."

- "We already told you it wasn't her!" stated angrily Cassandra.

- "Then, you have no reason to stop us from entering."

The woman rolled her eyes and let them enter. Hopper and Joyce entered, looking around, searching evidence.

- "Jane is not here?" asked Joyce while Hopper was looking around.

- "She is puking in the toilet."

- "Oh, poor girl, what happened?"

- "Alcohol, like usual, and certainly drugs."

- "And you're not worried!?"

- "I'm not her mother, I can't always be on her back!" answered Cassandra on the defensive.

- "Where is her mother?"

- "It's a mystery; she left when she was like two or three years old."

- "And her father? What kind of relation they have?"

- "I can't tell you. If I can avoid him, I do."

Joyce nodded. It sounded like a complicated relationship, she understood better why Jane was like that, with no stable family around her. Hopper opened Jane's room and made a movement with his head to invite Joyce to follow him. Cassandra closed the door behind them without entering, which made frown the two adults. The room was a mess, the desk on the right had a TV on it with a very latest computer with video games consoles, video games, gamepads, DVD, and more things like that. The bed was on the left top corner with only one pillow and one blanket. Between the desk and the bed was a glass door. At the left bottom corner was an opened wardrobe with half of the clothes on the floor, and a black guitar against the wall. There were posters of movies, TV shows, and music on the walls.

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