I'm not weak

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I sit in my room, trying to comprehend what Orihime said to me.

"You know he chooses you..."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Chooses me for what?" I sigh and just sit there in silence. I decide to stand up. Remembering what Orihime told me about the night Grimmjow was there, I had a few words for Ichigo. I start to make my way to the front of store when Orihime comes running out with a sad look. She opens the door to reveal Rukia.

"Orihime, I- what's wrong? Why are you in such a rush?" She didn't hold it together and she starts crying.

"Oh Rukia."

"Hey what's the matter?! Orihime what's wrong?" I sigh and make my presence known.

"Let's take this somewhere else alright." Rukia nods and grabs the crying girl. Using our speed, we make it to a rooftop where she tells us what happened.

"What!? Kisuke, I can't believe he said that to you. He won't get away with it.

"No, it's okay. But you know what? I've kinda calmed down since you and I've been talking. I think it's better this way. I'm sure. I mean, it's true that I really don't have enough power to help us win against-"

"No, it's not okay!" Rukia grabs Orihime by the collar of her shirt and starts yelling. "Haven't you fought by our side all along up until now?! Aren't you furious at him for casting you aside so easily like that?" As Orihime is about to reply, I speak up.

"I hope you aren't forgetting that Kisuke was a soul reaper captain. You really think he hasn't thought this through. He has a reason for everything he does. He's not stupid and he's not heartless."

"Why are you even here Suki?" I glare at her.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you know nothing of what is really going on. I know more about this than you do. More than you will ever understand." I start walking to her and get into her face. "You better back off before I do something I regret. I'm a lot stronger than you soul reaper." Orihime decides to interrupt us there, before it got worse.

"No, I'm not mad."

"Stop lying to me like that!"

"I'm not lying, really! I feel lonely, but not mad. But being lonely isn't nearly as bad as being in the way." I grab Rukia's hand to make her let go of Orihime. She starts whimpering. "I feel lonely. I guess while everyone else is fighting, I'll be all alone. But if I'm only going to be a burden to Mr. Urahara and everyone else, then maybe it's better to just be lonely instead."

"Orihime, in a battle, the ones who get in the way are not the ones who lack power. They're the ones who lack resolve. During our fight in the Soul Society, there wasn't a single person that became a burden to any of us. Not Ichigo, not Chad, not Uryu and not you either Orihime." She wipes Orihime's tears. "If any single one of you weren't there, then I wouldn't be here today talking to you either. I bet we can find you something to do that will help us in this fight. Let's work on it together."

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