This isn't Ichigo...

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I never did go back to that hollow, but I could tell he was defeated. Those damned gates of Hell took that damned soul to where he deserved. That weak soul was gone now, poor thing. I knew Ichigo was okay as I can still feel his spiritual pressure.

Sighing, I get ready for school. I don't care much for breakfast, so I just leave and head to school. Like usual, I walk past Ichigo's house and wait. Soon he comes out with his stuff and a rice ball in his hand.

"Hey, Suki! What's up?" I just nod and tilt my head to the rice ball. He looks confused then glances down. "Oh this, just had an extra one. Here, you can have it." I didn't have much of a choice since he shoves it in my hand. I silently ate it as Yuzu's food is amazing.

"Good morning!" Welp. There goes my appetite, it's too early for fake people. "Hi everyone! How are you?" I turn to the window, ignoring her.

"Hey, good morning, Rukia." Mizurio greeted. Keigo's eyes lit up.

"Ah looking lovely as usual Rukia." Perv. She starts walking with her hand coving her mouth as she giggles.

"This isn't like you, it's already third period." Mizurio stated.

"Sorry, something came up." More giggles. "By the way Ichigo, may I steal you for a second?" He steps closer slouching.

"Huh? What do you want? If you wanna talk let's do it here." Rukia slugs him in the stomach and claims to take him to the nurse, dragging him out. I glare out the window and I watch them leave; my attitude turning for the worse. I ignore whatever the others are saying. I stand up and walk to grab my lunch from my locker.

After attaining that, I make my way up to the roof. Going to the quietest area, I sit and munch on my bento. Nobody came around me which I am pleased with. It gave me time to think on where I should go. I don't have much time before others come. Do I really wanna leave Japan, after I just learned their culture? I sigh and look up at the sky. Nothing was out of the ordinary yet.

After eating, I throw away my trash and make my way back to class. The girls are still eating lunch as I sit at my desk. The class lesbian attack hugged Orihime. An alarm goes off in my head as Ichigo jumps from the ground into the top floor window of our classroom. I jump up surprised, there's no way he could do that in human form. I know about mod souls, and I guess this is his.

"Excuse me, this is the 9th grade class, room three, right?" That wasn't his voice. He lands on the window seal, and everybody crowds around him. Tatsuki points as she was shocked for his gravity defying jump.

"Wait a second! How the hell did you get up here like that?!" She is holding Orihime.

"What do you mean how? I jumped up here. You saw it with your own eyes, didn't ya?" I glare at the mod soul. He's gonna fuck things up big time. "Well, pretty rad huh?"

'Rad? What are you? Five?' I think bitterly.

"Can you believe it?" Some guys from the class start taking but again, I ignore them. All I am worried about was restraining this guy. He starts looking around and then got heart eyes at Orihime. He then grabs her head as he strokes her hair. He starts flirting and then kisses her hand. This causes Tatsuki to put him in a headlock and pull him away, cursing at him. Now he is flirting with her. Then the dumbass kisses her. Her punch is definitely gonna leave a mark on Ichigo's body.

She gets so angry, she starts throwing desks at him, which fly out the window. Man, can there never be a normal day anymore? Rukia slams the door open, staring at the mod soul.

"Stop it right there. It's over." The mod souls face turns to a fearful expression, and he tries to escape through the window, only for Ichigo to block him. He starts to kick at Ichigo, trying to get away. To regular humans, he is just kicking air. To be honest, he isn't a bad fighter; he just looked weird doing it. He finally kicks Ichigo away into the desks. I sidestep and barely missed getting hit. Oh, I was gonna kill this mod. I glare at him, strangling him in my head.

The mod smirks and leaves, jumping out the window. Ichigo runs only to watch him fall.

'I'm so done with this.' A sweat dropped from my head. 'This is just too weird. Why are soul reapers so weird?' I grab my bag and leave. I make my way to Kisuke's. When I get there, the kids are fighting and the adults are getting ready, I guess to get that mod back.

"You do realize the shit going down right now? Stop fighting you damned kids and shut the hell up." I glare at them, and they saw who I was and stop, nodding.

"Yes ma'am." I nod and look at Kisuke.

"Go fix the damn problem before someone gets hurt, or worse. Killed." My glare never leaves. Yes, I knew Kisuke was a soul reaper, but he is the one who took me away from the mad man who tested on me.

No, I'm not that young. I'm probably older than Rukia. Maybe even Kisuke. Who knows? But physically, I'm 15. Fun right?

"Ah! Suki! How are you today?"

"Don't give me that shit, you damn pervert."

"Ouch! I'm wounded my dear!" He feigns hurt. I scoff.

"Useless bastard. I'm going home." I turn and leave, this really is too much. It is a quiet walk home, which I was glad for. I go straight for my bathroom. I walk into my room and strip. As I start walking to take a shower, I glance to the sword in the corner of the room. If you listen closely, you could hear it crying. For what, I don't know yet, all I know is, it's been crying since I could remember it. I glare and walk into the bathroom; a warm shower will be good.

The water rains over me as I stand there. Random thoughts are going through my mind. Test tubes, needles, more tests. Stabbing pain, the feeling of torture is something I would never forget. I grab my ears as I could hear my own screams. I fall to my knees, hyperventilating.

After a second, I start to calm down. I'm safe now. I'm not with him. I'm safe. For now. I stand up and finish my shower. I get out and dry off. Looking into the mirror, I see a broken test subject. Something that was too far gone to be normal. I am a freak. My eyes lower to my sides, bone like structures cover my waist and ribs; evidence that I wasn't human. I shouldn't be here. I should still be a creature hunting for prey, but some bastard had to change me. I lost my brother. He probably thinks I'm dead. I won't ever see him again. My hands make their way to my ears. My ears were pointed like a cat but with more bone structures on the tips of them. There is a hole where my heart should be. I sigh and walk out and put on a sports bra and some spanks. I jump in bed and fall asleep.

This sucks.

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