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I sat waiting for Ichigo to show up, it was time to send him to the Soul Society. I shuddered at the thought of the gate being close to me. Outside with Kisuke and I was Chad, who of course asked why I was here, and I simply stated that Kisuke was my father. He didn't ask any more questions after that, which I was thankful for.

"Well, well, if it isn't Ichigo?"

'About time.' I stood up as well as Chad.

"And right on time. Welcome to the club."

"Hey Chad, what are you doing here?"

"Rukia saved me once. I want to help her out if I can. I'm going too." Ichigo just replied with a 'huh'.

"What's the matter? Are you hard of hearing or something. I don't take defeat well, especially when it's at the hands of a Soul Reaper. So, I'm going too."

"So, I guess we're all present and accounted for." A small voice spoke. I rolled my eyes at how many people were risking their lives for a damn Soul Reaper.

'They can die for all I care.' I scoffed and went inside. I walked to the training ground, ignoring everybody but Kisuke, as they were annoying.

"All right everyone. Your attention, please. All eyes right over here." He pointed to the now open and visible gate. I scoffed at it. "Voila! This is the gate that leads to the Soul Society. It's called the Senkaimon, or the Tunnel World Gate. I'm going to tell you all how to successfully pass through it. But first, we need to change one thing." Kisuke walked up behind Ichigo and stabbed his cane through his neck, knocking his soul out of his body.

"Hey! How about giving me a little warning next time Urahara!" Kisuke started chuckling. Orihime started to talk to Ichigo about his body while Chad held it.

"All right, listen up. Unlike normal gates, this one has a spirit particle conversation machine."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ichigo was back to his normal self.

"I'll explain. As you already know, the Soul Society is a spirit world. Unless you're in spirit form, it's impossible to enter. Right now, only one of you can cross through as a spirit. Ichigo, a Soul Reaper. The conversation machine will transform the rest of you into spirits as well."

"So, your saying.... the gate will let us pass through without extracting our souls?" Uryu asked.

"Yes. Passing through the conversation machine will allow you to stay on your present forms."

"All right, we understand." Ichigo started to walk to the gate. "Let's get going!" Kisuke stabbed him with his sheathed cane to stop him. He sat to the side rubbing his side in pain.

"But there's a catch! The window of time the gate can be kept open for you is only four minutes long."

"But is that enough time?"

"Ordinarily, no. In fact, the whole scheme is a little shaky. Four minutes with the gate is all I can give you. After that, it will close and anyone who has t made it through yet will be trapped forever in the Dangi, the precipice world between this world and the Soul Society."

"How will we ever make it?" Orihime spoke quietly. Yoruichi spoke in her usual deep tone as a cat.

"Go forward. Remember what I told you about the connection between heart and soul. You must have no doubt, have no fear. Do not think of those you are leaving behind." Ichigo glanced at me, and I looked away to the floor. "The will to go forward will be your guide. And don't look back. Only those who can do these things can follow me though the gate and survive."

"We all know this already or we wouldn't still be here. Quit with all your preaching and let's do this thing now!" Ichigo walked forward.

"And you understand that if you lose, you can never return to the life again, right?"

"Then all I need to do is win, huh?"

"Exactly." The gate now was opened by Tessai and Kisuke. I stood by my father with my arms crossed.

"So, everybody ready? As soon as it opens, run in as fast as you can."


"Good luck." They soon disappeared in the gate. Kisuke got up and walked to the middle. He put his hand up to the gate and go burned as he touched it.

"We're all counting on you, Ichigo." I looked towards the gate and growled.

"Damn idiots. Risking it for a girl they barely even know. They are gonna die there." I walked off but Kisuke stopped me.

"You can't change them. They are who they are and if they wanna risk their lives saving Rukia, that's up to them." I close my eyes as I got scolded. I shrugged off his hand and walked to my room.

Getting there I stripped into bed clothes and laid down. Thoughts were running through my head. One major one was,

'Don't you dare die on me Ichigo. You're the hero. Don't die before this monster does.' I then turned to my side and fell asleep. All I had to do was wait.

Sorry this was short but I didn't have anything else to write.

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