Destroy... Karakura Town?

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"Kenpachi is taking it to him." Ichigo watches the fight in awe while still in the barrier. I take this moment to lay back down and rest to heal, something big is coming up, and I'll need all my strength. Without realizing, my consciousness fades into a world that I sadly recognize.

"You let yourself become weak. You used to be so much more than this." I look up to see a mirror image of my feline form, my true self.

"I didn't want to continue fighting. I'm tired of this all."

"Then why do you stay? You know how to leave. And yet you choose to stay with these humans and soul reapers. Why?" I close my eyes, not looking at the monster I am. That I can be.

"You know that answer."

"I do. When did you become so human? The power you had, that we had, you hide it away. All for the love of a human child. We were created to kill them, to hunt them, and yet you fell out of that way of thinking. Now you wish to live like them." The feline's eyes narrow at my form sitting on the ground that looks much like Hueco Mundo, my home.

"I don't know what you're getting at, but I didn't choose to be a monster. I never wanted to be alive. I hated this power."

"You didn't think that way when you slaughtered all of those hollows for more power." I flinch at the tone. "That was before the abuse and torture. You know. You experienced that alongside me."

"Yes." The feline starts to circle around me but growling as if I was an enemy. "But you couldn't handle the pain! You regressed into a weak child who needed saving! Poor, weak, little Mitsuki. Always letting the humans save you. First that traitor of a father, then that weak human boy that gained your affection. When will you let me in? Let us become strong again. Let's kill them all..." The feline stalked closer to me, sitting in front of me, edging me on to release my anger.

"I won't do it." She looks at me in surprise. "I'm not the same person I was before. I was a killer, a monster, yes. But I can't help that I changed. I want this, I want him. More than anything. And I'll do everything I can to make sure he's happy. I'm not you anymore. I understand it now. The pain of being alone. It's suffocating. You think I abandoned you, rejected you. But you can't understand the way he makes me feel. The warmth of his hands, the softness of his eyes, I don't want to lose that. I wish you could understand it, you're me and yet you choose to be alone and threatened by the thought of being close with someone again. Grimmjow abandoned both of us, we both were hurt by that betrayal. Yeah, I could have gone about things better, but I chose to move forward. Why can't you?" I don't give her time to speak as I force myself back into consciousness. 'I won't reject you because you are a part of me.' My eyes slowly open to see I'm still in Hueco Mundo. My eyes search for the one person I need, seeing him recovering. My gaze becomes soft, this stupid human is really my everything. Ichigo must have felt my gaze and turns his head towards mine, eyes widening slightly. He must've been put off by my gaze being this soft, I don't think I've ever let my gaze be anything but glares and smirks. A shield.

Ichigo's thoughts were going crazy but the only thing that stood out, 'How can one person be so beautiful?'

I have no idea what was going through his head, only the fact that his eyes look at me with longing. I break the eye contact by getting up from the ground. It seems my body went into overdrive during my conversation with myself, my body is more than stable from my injuries. Originally, it should have taken a day or two to complete heal, but I'm already halfway in just a few hours. Kenpachi is walking away from Nnoitra who is on the ground covered in blood in his released form.

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