You really are something else

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Isshin finally got the revenge for his wife after all of these years. And he did it with such ease that amazes me when I'm used to his crazy old antics with his children. I closed my eyes and let out a giggle.

'Guess you never judge a book by its cover. Crazy old man.' My smile stayed as he started to walk away. He was soon stopped by my father, who had finally shown up to the scene.

"Have you avenged her? Has justice been meted out?"

"Look who's shown. Urahara."

"It's been a long time since I've seen you, my friend. Huh, I see you haven't lost your touch. That's good to know." My smile got wider as I went to jump on his back. I may be a bitch, but I will forever cherish the man who saved me and raised me.

"Dad! About time!" He chuckled and smiled, a smile he has given me since I was a kid.

"You've been a part of the party? I thought you went after Ichigo." I sighed.

"Well, I did but Kon was in trouble, and you know how Ichigo is about his body." He just chuckled and looked back to Isshin, with me casually hanging on his back.

"Why are you being so civil? It's not like you." My face turned into my usual bitch face.

"Oh, come now. I don't want you to blame me because your spirit energy has withered away. That would be upsetting."

"Ah, well you can stop worrying. I wouldn't have blamed you if it did wither up and disappear after all this time. Some may have seen it that way, but that's not my style."

"Tell me. How's it feel, being a soul reaper once again after 20 years?"

"All right I suppose."

"I see. And do you feel better now?"

"In some ways, yes. Truth is, I never held a grudge against that stupid hollow in the first place. If I'm being perfectly honest with myself, there's only one thing I've really regretted per these past 20 years, and that was my lack of power. That fact that, in spite of everything, I couldn't save Masaki that night."

"Yes, some things never change. It seems your son is much like you in that regard."

"What?! You're wrong about that."

"Oh, I don't think so."

"I said, you're wrong about that!"

"I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree." I let out a laugh at Isshin's denial. His son really is like his father. "While were in the subject of your son, did you happen to notice-"

"Yes. It appears they've made contact with him, just as you suspected they would. The masked army, the Visoreds." I accidentally let out a small growl. I mean, I have nothing against them but if you couldn't tell, I'm protective over Ichigo, no matter how mad I am about being attached. It doesn't change the fact that I actually care for the stupid human. My spacing out caused me to not pay attention to the conversion in front of me. What caught my attention was Isshin.

"They're obviously dangerous. At the moment, the only thing I do know is that the Arrancar and the Visoreds don't appear to be working together."

"That's hopeful. We don't need our enemies' forming alliances. In one way, we're lucky. The Visoreds don't trust any soul reapers, former or otherwise." I gave Kisuke a look. I don't believe they would ever go to the Arrancar, considering who the leader is. Out of everything they hate, they hate him the most.

"So, I've heard."

"In spite of their hatred for Soul Reapers, they made contact with your son. That must mean they-"

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