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After the scene from last night, I am calm again. I sit in class reading, trying to ignore everybody. Something that comes to mind was something I said a while back about Rukia.

'I don't like fake people.' I sigh. 'What a hypocrite.' If anything, I'm the one who's fake. Pretending to be human, trying to keep my secret from everyone that I'm a killing machine test subject. I lied to my best friend. 'They don't even know my real name. I really am the worst.' The bell signals the end of the day. I gather my belongings and make my way out of the school. Getting home, I once again get into decent clothes. Sitting on my bed, I just stare at the screaming sword in the corner. It just keeps screaming. Never once did it stop since its creation.

I never touched it since I put it there. Afraid of what I could do. Afraid of it. Afraid of me. Deciding I've finally had enough, I grab it and walk out of the house. Kisuke will have to deal with this. I walk in his shop and throw the sword in the basement. He looked at me with sadness.

"I've had enough. The cry is driving me crazy. I didn't ask for it to be made, nor me! I want nothing to do with my powers. Just keep it away from me." He nods and sighs, he looks sad.

"You know where to find it if you need it."

"I don't wanna need it." I sit down in his living area. He joins knowing I had news. "I need to leave." His eyes widen in surprise.

"What are you talking about?!" His voice raises as he speaks. I hear creeping from the boards, someone is listening. Kisuke glances to where he felt the person.

"It's time I move on. I'm too attached, that's bad, not only for me. For him. He doesn't deserve this person I have become. He deserves better. All I will do is drag him down." He looks sadly at me.

"Well, you know where home is. This is always home." I smile a small smile and nod.

"Always." I bet up and walk out the back to not let the person see me, which I did successfully. On my way home, a bad feeling filled my body. I look up to see hollows everywhere. Whatever is going on, has to do with this mystery person who keeps killing hollows. One appears above me but is suddenly taken out by a blue arrow.

'A Quincy huh?' I rush to my home to not be caught in the mess. Making it there, I go up to my room to finish packing. Next was the bathroom. And after that was the living room, which practically had nothing. The most boxes I have were five. I contact the moving agency to get my stuff transported. Naruki City is where I decided to move to.

"A transport will be there tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for using us and will see you soon." The call ends and I dial the school. My excuse is I was taking online classes. Like hell I am. I'm done acting like a ditzy mute teenager.

'Running away again?' I freeze and grab my head. "Such a coward. Can't even protect yourself. Running away the moment you sense danger. Never facing the conflict head on. You should just die!" I wince in pain as I fall to the ground. The voice just screaming in my head. Insult after insult. Before I knew it, everything goes black.

Light enters my eyes as wake up. I weakly stand up to see the time. 10:38am. Man I was out for a while. I'm even missing school right now. I shrug as I make my way over to the couch to sit. I take out my phone and noticed missed phone calls and texts. All from Ichigo. I smile a bit. He really is too nice for his own good. This causes me to frown. I'm never gonna see him again. I throw my phone on the couch, not in a mood to be on it now.

After sitting for hours on the couch, a knock breaks the silence. I open it to see the movers.

"Hello, everything from the boxes to the couch goes." They nod and starts working on it. My stuff is being sent to a storage unit at the moment while I find a place to stay. The storage place is gonna lock it up for me. After everything is gone, I called my landlord and turn the keys back in. I am officially moved out. It is dark by the time I make my way to say goodbye to Kisuke. A suitcase is being dragged behind me that held essentials.

Turning down a road, I drop everything and hold in a scream. In the middle of the road lied Ichigo and Uryu. I run towards them both and start to cry, seeing the damage Ichigo is in. His eyes lost their light, and he is just staring off in the distance.

"Ichigo! Come on Ichigo! Snap out of it!" I am shaking him but there is no response. Bringing out my phone, I call the only person I could.

As fast as I called was as fast as he showed up. He starts with Uryu who retreats saying Ichigo needed it more. Kisuke nods and move onto the man bleeding out on the ground. He looks at me with pity. I just hold on to my best friend who was dying in my arms. Water streams down from the sky, masking my tears. Kisuke holds an umbrella, shielding us from the downpour, Yoruichi perched on his shoulder. He picks Ichigo up from the ground, blood still everywhere. I go and grab my bag as I follow them home. There, we patch up Ichigo and let him rest, I won't leave his side. I said I was never gonna see him again but seeing him lying on the ground dying, I couldn't just leave him.

Kisuke walks in to check his vitals again then after he finds them acceptable, he turns his gaze to me.

"I couldn't just leave him out there to die. I know what I did. I just wanna see the light in his eyes again." He nods and speaks quietly.

"I didn't blame you. I know what he means to you. He will live. His soul reaper powers are gone, you know." I nod. "You also know that Rukia was taken back home?" Again, I nod. "You know what that means?"

"Yep, he's gonna try to be the hero again. He's gonna save her one way or another." I scoff. A tear falls. "You stupid human, never takes no for an answer."

"You got that right." I look up to Kisuke who has a smile on his face. I smile back.

'Wake up, okay?'

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