She really pissed me off

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We all look towards the daunting male. I stood in front of Orihime and Nel hid behind her.

"Ulquiorra!" Grimmjow grits.

"What's going on here? What are you doing?" He starts walking closer. "It seems like a simple question, perhaps I need to rephrase it. Why are you healing an enemy I already defeated?" Grimmjow just grunts with a smirk. "You refuse to answer?" He gives a hard look at Orihime, and she looks off to the side. I glare at the male as he made her uncomfortable. "Fine. Have it your way. Regardless, the bottom line is that Lord Aizen has entrusted that girl to my care." I growl in response. The sound reverberates on the walls. "Hand her over, better yet both."

"I don't think I will." Grimmjow continues to grin.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me! But just so your clear about my position here, let me demonstrate!" Grimmjow rushes Ulquiorra. His cero gets cut off by the back of Ulquiorra's hand. "Don't think I don't know what's going on with you Ulquiorra! You're scared of fighting me! You're afraid you'll lose and be crushed!" I scoff a bit but oh well. Grimmjow sends off another cero and it pushes off Ulquiorra. The two continue to go at it causing Ulquiorra to set off a cero of his own, blowing up the pillar. I can't tell what happens in the smoke, so I stay close to the floor.

The smoke finally clears and Ulquiorra is gone. Orihime's shield breaks away once it's safe. Grimmjow eases down to what's left of the pillar that we are standing on.

"What did you just do up there?" Orihime asks quietly.

"Aizen gave each one of the Espada something called a Caja Negación, which we can use to punish subordinates. I used mine just now."

"Caja Negación?"

"It's a powerful tool that can permanently seal the victim into another dimension. But its power is limited. It's not made to be used against Espada. Considering the strength of his spiritual pressure, we got 2 or 3 hours before he breaks free. There's no time to waste. Come on! Hurry up and heal your friend!" Grimmjow explains but then demands.

"I won't." I realize what she said and jump her way. Grimmjow's hand luckily grabs my neck instead of hers. My hands tighten around his wrist, trying to keep his hands from leaving me and going after her. Ichigo finally pipes up after all the commotion.

"Hey! Let her go!" Grimmjow squeezes but I don't react. Just tightening my own hands.

"Perhaps you didn't hear what I said! But it wasn't a request! Get to work!" I glare at him.

"Why? Just so you can beat him up again?! She would never! Want someone to fight? Try me! I still have a grudge against that time you stabbed me and knocked me out!" Grimmjow really tries to choke me causing the others to yell. My attention was too on Grimmjow to notice the hurt Ichigo move and he grabs Grimmjow's arm.

"Let go of her." He yanks his arm away from my neck and stands in front of me.


"Orihime. Please, heal me. I'm asking you to heal my wounds. And I want you to heal his as well." Grimmjow's right arm is steaming from the cero Ulquiorra shot.

"Listen kid, you'll find that's a big mistake. I don't need your pity."

"Oh, it's not pity. I assume you're want us both to fight at our full strength, right? Or am I mistaken? Do you plan to use your injuries as an excuse when you finally lose?" Grimmjow draws his blade, and he swings at Ichigo in a roar.

"All right then! Bring it on, let's have a fight to the death!"

"Sounds good to me!" My eyes widen. Orihime finally starts to heal the two males, or should I call them children? I have no right to be mad but I am. I stand off to the side with my arms crossed and eyes shut. Nel's cries can be heard.

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