He's not a monster

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I can hear the pants of pain from Ichigo. Grimmjow releases a single attack to show the magnitude of power it held, and Ichigo took five, my worry continues to grow. Ichigo is fighting for us, to protect us, and yet all he can think about is Orihime being afraid of him, as if he's a monster. It would be this point in time where I would take back what I told her in the underground training area at home, she doesn't deserve him. If she can't accept White, then she doesn't deserve Ichigo. Ichigo is getting beat up for a girl who can't accept all of him, and it makes me angry. She's his friend! Since they were kids! They've known each other longer that I have! And yet she's treating him as if he's a different person. It's not fair to Ichigo. I don't care about whatever issue she has with his hollow self, but she better figure it out, for everyone's sake.

I can feel my eyes start to water, watching Ichigo get beaten. I ignore whatever Nel is going on about, it's not my concern, Ichigo is my only concern as of now. I want to help; I want to fight. I can't lose him.

"Hey! You can do it Ichigo! Come on! I know you can!" I smile down at Nel. "Well, what are you just standing there for?! You need to cheer him on too!" Nel starts to yell at Orihime. "That's the best you can do?! He's out there risking his life for you and all you can tell us 'huh?! Why are you so afraid of him?! You think he's some kind of monster?! You know that he has a kind heart! You said so yourself! It's as plain as day. Even Nel could see it!" Nel then looks at me. "And Ichigo cares about you too. He cares so much that when he heard your name, he attacked Master Ulquiorra with everything he had." I smile down at her words. She looks back to Orihime. "I know he's a soul reaper now but don't forget Ichigo's still human! Think about what he's gone through! Every time he uses that mask, he exposes himself to that insane power! He has to be suffering! But he's doing it for you, so he doesn't care! He uses the power and endures all the pain and suffering for you! How will he feel, how will he feel if he doesn't hear your voice cheering him on!?" I see Orihime's brain start working as she watches Ichigo fight. I look back to the fight myself. My cheering doesn't need to be heard. He said he needs to talk to me, to make me understand something. And I'll make sure it happens, rather he rejects me for who I am or not. I won't ever leave him alone in his time of need. Especially when it's my kind, my brother. I may have loved my brother back then, but Ichigo truly saved me, and I owe him everything.

"Please don't die. Don't die Ichigo!" Ichigo looks up at us, seeing Orihime cry. "You don't have to win, and you don't have to fight for me. Just don't get hurt, I couldn't bare it." I nod in acceptance.

"We are going home. You promised. But you can't do that if your dead. So beat his ass!" I step forward and kneel down, my familiar smirk arising. Grimmjow rushes Ichigo but for some reason, I'm not worried. Ichigo catches Grimmjow's hand.

"So Grimmjow, here's the deal. You see, I've had a change of heart. And I can't allow myself to get beaten by someone like you." Ichigo then cuts him down. I watch as my brothers body falls to the ground. I am a little upset, but I ignore it. But he does catch my attention as he grabs Ichigo's sword, threatening to scatter his bones in the sand, though he is weakened. It makes me think back to the past, of my creation, on how I met Grimmjow and when I proclaimed him as my brother. How we met the others and when Grimmjow became the king of his own little group of Adjuchas.

 How we met the others and when Grimmjow became the king of his own little group of Adjuchas

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