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Tessai got out of the hole and Jinta started talking to him, I chose to ignore them. Kisuke slashes at Ichigo but misses.

"Not bad considering you're using a little kiddy sword." Ichigo was as cocky as ever.

"Oh, what a compliment student! Don't expect me to go easy on ya!" Kisuke chuckles as he chases Ichigo swinging his sword. For where I was standing, it looked childish. Even though Ichigo was cocky, he was struggling to get away.

Ichigo suddenly stopped and turned around, giving Kisuke a chance to knock off the rest of the hollow mask. His eyes were wide with shock.

"You let your guard down. You thought because I'm not a soul reaper that I can't have a zanpakutō, and you're thinking there's no way I can hurt you. You are so naïve. Awaken now, Benihime." The cane sword changed shape into the Shikai of a zanpakutō. "I assure you this is a real zanpakutō, very real."

"A name? For my zanpakutō?" Ichigo was confused with this situation.

"Yes. Each Zanpakutō has a name, and this one is Benihime, The Red Princess. Let us show you." Kisuke slashes at Ichigo and was sent back flying. The swing sends a wave of wind, blowing everything away. Jinta jumped behind another rock for cover. "I'll give you credit for not running away at least and for pairing with that broken stump. You're not short on nerve. Just the same, Benihime is much to fierce to let a blade like that stop her." Benihime then sliced through Ichigo's Zanpakutō like butter. He then started running away again.

'What a coward.' I sighed as I watched the scene unfold. Kisuke follows after him.

"Don't you get it Ichigo? Your sword has no concentration of spirit energy in it." Ichigo then swung behind him in an attempt to slash Kisuke, of course he failed. "It has size but that's all it has. It carries a zanpakutō shape but has none of the necessary internal strength so I can cut it," He then cuts the guard off the hilt. "Just like that. Now you no longer have any sword at all. Do you plan to continue attacking me, with nothing but the hilt? I suppose you can still manage to knock my hat off with it. But this time Ichigo, you're gonna need more than just blind luck or courage. I think it's only fair to warn you, if you try to go against me with that inferior weapon, I will kill you." Again, Ichigo ran like a coward. Kisuke chases and continues to slash at him. Ichigo dodges each time except when Kisuke grabs the back of his collar and slams him into the ground, only to dodge another slash. Suddenly he stopped and stood frozen. He stood like that for a minute. Kisuke stopped as well, waiting. He got ready to attach Ichigo. Ichigo then got into a position as if he was pulling a sword from its sheath. The air around him started to circulate. He then swung his hand, and a bright blue light came with.

"Zangetsu!" My eyes widened with amazement.

'He really did it.' The light caused a quake in the ground as well as a wave of wind, blowing against everything but I stood just fine as it passed me. The air started to spin but soon started clearing up, leaving a knelt Ichigo with a sword like I've never seen before. It was the length of his body but didn't have a guard on the hilt, it barely even had a hilt. All it was, was cloth wrapped around the handle and the excess blowing in the wind. The blade was black on top and white of the bottom. He stood up and had a more determined look on his face. Ichigo then examined his new zanpakutō.

"Well it's about time. Now that you managed to draw your zanpakutō, time for lesson number three. Are you ready for that?"

"Don't take this the wrong way Mr. Urahara but I hope you dodge this! Because I can't control it yet!" He lifted up his arm and the cloth with the needles blew off him.

"Freeze Benihime!" Ichigo slashes another blue light at him. Kisuke's hat was falling from the sky next thing I know. It landed in front of him, and he picked it up and patted it off.

"That's not very nice. I do believe you killed my hat. Impressive. Didn't expect you could do that with a single swing of your sword. Ichigo, you are one frightening kid, you know that. Lesson three cleared." I wanted to walk to Kisuke but was stopped by the massive slice through the ground. I turn to Ichigo to see him sleeping on his knees, leaning on his sword for support.

"What the hell was that? Almost looked like a cero." I jumped the ditch to get to my father.

"He's gonna go far. He's one powerful kid." I nodded and walked to Ichigo, grabbing him and his sword, I took him back to his body. When he woke up, I was there to check on him.

Ichigo completed the rest of his training as was told to go home and act like nothing happened. I was currently sitting in his living room waiting for him to come downstairs.

"Come on! The festival is starting soon. Don't wanna be late." I had normal clothes on now.

" I had normal clothes on now

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"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." He took his time coming downstairs. I scoffed and grabbed his hand to drag him. We needed to catch back up to his family. The rest of his friends were there as well.

Finally, we caught up and was standing by a staircase. Keigo being Keigo started to ramble.

"Isn't this exciting everyone, we're finally here at the fireworks festival!"

"You're so enthusiastic!" Mizurio was encouraging him. I sighed at the noise.

"Why not! Who doesn't love to watch stuff catch fire and explode!?" Then Isshin decides to become a part of this.

"Hey, don't forget about me. In fact, I slept over there on the sidewalk last night in order to save the very best spots! Follow me and we'll go there now."

"Hey, for a grown up, you're all right." I turned to Ichigo to see him deadpanning. I swear I could see dots behind him.

"How about you two lovely ladies? Care to join us?" I snorted at Isshin; Ichigo is nothing like him.

"We'll be there a little later." Tatsuki speaks for her and Orihime.

"Suit yourselves! Come on everybody! The sun's going down and it's almost explosion time!" Everybody ran off with him except Ichigo and I.

"Well, might as well." Ichigo started to scratch the back of his head. "Guess I'll go too. Sorry Tatsuki, it's always like this. You don't have to come along if you don't want to."

"Oh, don't worry about me Ichigo. I'll probably catch up with everybody later. You just go ahead and have fun."

"All right, see ya." He turned around and walked toward me and we headed to where the rest ran off to. Once we got enough away, I started to speak.

"Just looking at them tires me out. Where do they get all that energy?" He shook his head.

"I don't know." He pauses for a second. "Hey Suki?" I turned around and looked at him.

"Not today. Let's be honest here. The longer I don't tell you, the better. I don't need to be bringing you into my problems." I turned around and walked away.

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