Study Session (Side)

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I don't know how human school was so easy, but it came naturally. Also, along the fact that I help Ichigo study while also being mute. I guess I'm lucky that he's actually smart and pays attention.

We usually have a study session at least once a month if not, more if needed. Though, I do come around more often than that, even if it is just to sit around his room while he does random stuff.

Moral support.

Today is one of those days. We have finals coming up and Ichigo wants to try and make a good score. We are currently walking home in a comfortable silence like usual. His home comes into view, and I can already imagine the chaos about to happen. His home is different from my quiet apartment, his is livelier and feels more like a home. Having moved out from my father figure when I started human school, it's just me there. I do visit my old home sometimes, but I try to live as a human as he wanted.

"I'm home!" Ichigo announces his arrival to his family.

"Welcome home Ichigo!" Yuzu comes around the corner and notices me. "Suki!" She smiles as starts to walk up to me, silently asking for a hug, she's the affectionate sister, which I nod 'yes'. She gets visibly excited and runs to me and I open my arms and hug her back. I don't really mind her, she's one of the humans I don't actually hate.

"We are heading up to study." Ichigo starts making his way to the stairs and I follow.

"Okay! I'll make some snacks!" Yuzu yells as she heads to the kitchen. I know about Ichigo's mother and know how Yuzu took control of the mother role of the house. I do feel sympathy for this family and what they went through. Though I haven't said anything, I do believe it could have been a hollow but there's no way I would bring that up with a human family. I do remember hearing about a hollow using a lore to attack humans with some spiritual energy, but I've never seen it. Ever since I was rescued, I learned more about spiritual things that humans will never know. Anyways back to the study session.

"Thanks Yuzu!" We didn't see anyone else before we make it to the room. I usually sat on his bed and him at his desk. We sit in silence that occasionally gets interrupted when he has a question; I work it out in front of him one step at a time as I don't speak. He remarkably understands me when I do despite my lack of speaking. After an hour and a half, we take a break and just lay around the room. I do start to hear movement from the door but don't think much of it. Suddenly the door bursts open and in comes his father.

"You two are having sex!"

"We are? Suki, why didn't you tell me, I would have put my book down." Ichigo mocks which causes me to uncharacteristically laugh because that shit was funny. His dad looks at us weird and gets upset at his son's mockery. Yuzu follows in behind and bring us the snacks she made. I nod my head in thanks while Ichigo says his. We continue to ignore his father as he whines and just sit in our own silence again. I do crack a small smile though.

This place really did feel like a home.

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