The bird in the cage

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The walk to school is silent. Ichigo just walks with me side by side while my thoughts had my attention.

'If more are on their way, I would get recognized instantly. My hair stands out like a sore thumb. Maybe I should dye it? Or maybe a wig? I don't know. Maybe I'll ask Kisuke.' My thoughts were interrupted by Ichigo.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I freeze and look up. I go to touch my hair. He looks at me confused then nods. "You wanna dye your hair?" I look in front of me, nodding. "I think you shouldn't."

'Of course you don't, you don't know my reasons.' I thought bitterly but I immediately felt bad considering he's my best friend and he hasn't done anything wrong.

"I like your hair. I remember you always having long, blue hair. I've always been glad that I'm not the only one with a different hair color." He gives me a rare closed eyed smile. I look at him confused.

'He likes my hair? I've always hated it. It reminded me of who I used to be. It's the same color as my brother's.' All Ichigo did is smile at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"You know, everyone wants to hear your voice. Out of all the years that I've known you, I've never heard it once."

'It's been that long? Maybe it's time. Besides. I trust him the most. Maybe. Should I?' I sigh. 'I guess it is time.'

"I never guessed it was that long. I lost track." Ichigo stops walking and looks at me with shock. "Huh? What's with that look? That shocked about my voice?" I smile and giggle causing a blush to run across Ichigo's face.

"Y-You're not a mute?!" Is the only reply Ichigo can get out, making me laugh.

"Of course I'm not. I just don't like to talk. Seeing as the reaction you just gave." He is still shocked.

"But I didn't think you would actually talk to me!" I give him a look.

"You're my best friend Ichigo. Why wouldn't I at least let you hear my voice. I just didn't realize how long it's been." He just nods stiffly. "But don't get used to it." He just hangs his head. In reaction, making me giggle at his motions.

'You're making a mistake. He'll kill you later on.' A little voice speaks in the back of my head. I narrow my eyes then sigh. I look back at Ichigo and give a motion telling him to come on. He shakes his head than runs to catch up with me.

"Are you really gonna dye your hair?" He asks, his demeanor changes into a serious tone. I shrug.

"Maybe." I can feel a growl in the back of my mind.

'Go away! I don't need you nagging at me!' The only reply is an even fiercer growl which causes my head to hurt. I wince and hold my head.

"Hey, woah, are you okay?" I nod and shake the pain away. "Mhm. Sure." I just let out a short nose breath laugh. We end up walking in silence to school for the rest of the way.

Lunch was usual, except Ichigo invited Rukia to eat with us. I still didn't like her; she could be the cause of my death.

Rukia is mumbling to herself and trying to figure out how to open the juice box she holds. I sit on the ground next to Ichigo while she was on the other side standing. I couldn't blame Rukia for not knowing how to open it, because I didn't either when I got here. Finally, after struggling enough, she asks Ichigo.

"You gotta poke a hole in it. You just use the sharp end of your straw." He points to the top of the box.

"What straw?" She sighs and pulls it back to her.

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