He got his answer

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Rukia is down now. I sigh sadly, everyone is getting hurt because we allowed ourselves to come here. I could have stopped this had I tried hard enough but I was desperate to keep Orihime safe for everyone else's sake. I wanted to speak my mind but, in this situation, it's pointless to talk like that when there's others out there dying for us. I'm absolutely useless.

"We're going to get out of here. I promise you." I give Orihime a determined look. She looks at me and smiles.

"Thank you, Suki." I suddenly sit up, looking towards the door. My senses were screaming at me, telling me to run to him.

"He's getting close." Ichigo... Orihime suddenly starts crying and banging on the door.

"Let me out! Let me out of here! Please let me out!" I look at her sadly as I feel sympathy for her situation, one that I happen to be a part of. "Let me out please..." She whispers. "I must get out. I can't take this." She sobs for a second and I allow her to express her feelings, we've been locked up too long. "Rukia..." I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder, and she turns to lunge into my arms, sobbing. I wrap my arms around her and rub her head in a soothing manner. I try to do the best I could in calming her down, I'm not used to be there for someone.

"She'll live. I know it. Just give her some faith." She continues to sob. Poor girl. I can feel Ichigo fighting Ulquiorra. I'm worried and my senses are screaming at me, but I have wait for Orihime to be okay. "You will all go home. I'll promise you that, even if I have to die." She grips me harder and sobs more. I try to comfort her as I can. She can only be brave for so long.


I continue to feel Ichigo fighting, his hollowfication resonates through my senses, as if calling to me. But it's not even to me, the me I've hidden away. I hesitate but I need to go. Orihime is currently laying on the bed after calming down, her back towards me on the couch. I break the silence in the room.

"Orihime, do you trust me?" She looks up confused at me but nods. "I'm going to Ichigo; he won't win against Ulquiorra. He's too strong for him to fight alone. I'm not going to let him die. I know you can defend yourself, but are you okay with me leaving you alone?" She puts on a brave face and nods. "I'll be back for you."

"I know." I smile and successfully leave the room. I follow to where I feel the spiritual pressure coming from. This place is huge, like a maze. Ichigo's spiritual pressure feels weaker all of the sudden causing me to worry and pick up my speed, trying to make it in time. "Don't die on me." I whisper. A cero breaks through the walls of the building, it's Ulquiorra. I make it to a room with a hole in the wall. I see Ichigo running with a child in his arms, Ulquiorra chasing. "No." I say to myself as I run as fast as I can to catch up, but Ulquiorra kicks him into a pillar. Luckily, it's closer to me now. Ulquiorra beats me there, but I don't stop running. Upon arriving, I can hear him doing his annoying monologue bullshit.

"Espada #4, Ulquiorra Cifer. Of all the Espada, my power is ranked 4th." I see him raise a hand, aiming for Ichigo's heart.

"No!" My body moves at a speed that I didn't ask it to, appearing just in time to take the hit, but this time instead of another injury, the attack goes through my hole, unharming me, though, I act the part.

"It's pointless, you cannot defeat me. Even if you were lucky enough to succeed, there are three Espada ranked above me who are stronger than I. Try as many times as you'd like," He pulls his arm out of my chest, dragging some blood as he scratched me, making it look like he got me. "The results will always be the same. It appears that I have grossly overestimated you. Your development didn't meet my expectations." Ichigo grabs my body, screaming my name. "This is the end then." Ulquiorra walks away. "If you can still move, leave Hueco Mundo immediately. If you can't move. Then die there." I lower my spiritual pressure to the point it looks like I'm dying, hoping for it to play the part.

Hollows Can't LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz