Let's begin

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That's all I am doing.

Hiding from the man who tested on me.

I couldn't let him catch me.

But I never thought that it would put the people I love in danger.

How do you ask?

I'll tell you.

Let's start from beginning....


A blue haired girl quietly walks on the side of the road as she walks to school. A voice causes her to stop.

"Suki! Wait up!" An orange haired teen exclaims at the girl, known as Suki. She again, quietly waits for the boy to catch up. "Did you have a good morning?" All Suki replies with is a simple nod. She is more on the quiet side of the spectrum.

The orange haired teen, also known as Ichigo, got the message and stays silent as he walks next to the silent girl. All Ichigo can think about was how comforting it was to be around someone who didn't make a ruckus, as Suki did not do such actions. Before they knew it, they make it to the school. Making their way to class, they are greeted by a yelling, brown haired boy.

"IIIIICCCCHHHHIIIIIIIGGGGGOOOOO!" The boy ends up getting socked in the face by the orange haired teen.

"Aye, what's up Keigo?" was the nonchalant reply, having been used to this.

"Oh, my dear Suki! Ichigo is being mean again!" Another sock to the face. "Oh, come on!" Keigo complains as he on the ground in tears. "That doesn't matter! Because today is the day that I get to hear the sweet sound of Suki's voice!" As Suki hears this, she silently glares at the stupid teen. Then she gives a look to Ichigo, as in telling him that she thinks otherwise of Keigo's little idea.

"How many times do you have to be told Keigo? She will never talk. Especially not to you." Ichigo then looks back at Suki to see if that was alright. The only response is close eyed nod. She then returns to the window. Keigo was about to say more nonsense but is interrupted by the teacher walking in. Quickly, everybody moves to their seats.

"Good morning class! Please get out your textbooks and turn to page 63." They did as they were told. The class time goes by fast for Suki as she stares out of the window the entire time. She does the same for all her classes until the lunch bell rings. Students quickly got into their little cliques. Boys start to surround Suki, all asking the same thing.

"Oh Suki! Will you eat lunch with me today?!" A repeating question as this happens every day.

"Yo, Suki. Let's go." Ichigo's voice breaks out through the noise. Suki nods as she grabs her food and heads towards where the orange haired teen is walking.

"Ichigo! Why do you always steal her from us??!!" The obnoxious boys keep yelling.

"Oh, shut up you cry babies. Stealing her would mean that she's yours." He glares at the two teens and make his way up to the roof for lunch, with Suki in tow. As they walk up towards the roof, they can hear Keigo and his nonsense once again.

"Ichigo is so mean! Why does he always get Suki to himself!?" He is crying to Mizurio, who just pats his head. Suki just looks at them then continues her way to take her seat to eat.

"Did you hear about the explosion?" It was Mizurio that struck up the conversation.

"Yeah. I was right beside it too." Suki looks over to the strawberry in worry. He glances at her to see a 'are-you-hurt?' look. "No, I'm fine. Nothing hit me." He waves it off. "Thanks for worrying though." All the blue haired girl did is nod then continue to eat.

"Ichigo! Why must you be so rude?! You could have said it nicer!" Again. Keigo. "Huh?" He hit the ground as he receives a punch to his head. Suki is the one to hit him. She glares at him which makes him shrink back and eat.

Lunch goes by and so did the rest of school. Ichigo is walking back with Suki when five guys ride past them and knock down a vase of flowers for a little girl that was killed there.

'Here we go again.' Suki thinks as the orange haired male takes down one of the men.

"You gotta death wish pal? No body jumps one of my boys for no reason and lives to talk about it." Ichigo just hums and scratches his head. "That's all you got to say?!" The male swings for Ichigo just to get a kick in the face.

'Ouch.' Suki cringes. She is used to Ichigo's antics. The man falls with a grunt and Ichigo starts to stomp his head into the cement as one of his boys' whispers.

"Lil Yamma's down! We gotta help him!" They cringe back as another starts to speak.

"Are you crazy?" While the other says.

"No way am I picking on that son-of-a-bitch!" Ichigo is still pounding his head into the ground. The cement actually cracking and giving way to the man's face.

"Now listen up you pawn scum! Do you see that!?" He points to the knocked over vase. "First question, what do you think that is? You! The one in the middle. Answer!" They look at each other.

"Wait you talking to me?" The one in the middle asks, scared I might add. "Umm I guess somebody left those flowers for some kid who got killed here." Ichigo lunged and kicked him in the face.


"Wait chill out!" The man on the right says.

"Now next question, that vase over there, why is it laying on its side?"

"I guess one of us knocked it over when we were skateboarding through here." Ichigo kicks both men and sends them flying.

"You guys catch on fast. Now go and apologize or else the next time the flowers will be for you!" Ichigo's aura spikes as he glares. The men scream and shouts apologies. Ichigo sighed then look to the vase to see the little girl's ghost. "There, that outta keep those punks from showing their ugly faces around here." He walks over to her and apologizes. "Sorry about all of that. I'll bring you by some new flowers tomorrow." Suki looks up over to observe the two.

"Thank you for coming to my defense. I think now I'll be able to rest peacefully." He sinks down to pick up the vase and sits it up correctly.

"No problem. It's the least I could do. After all, you deserve to rest in peace." He starts walking off with a backwards wave as he makes his way to Suki. He walks her home then heads home himself.

"Goodnight Suki. Sleep well." She smiles and nods. She reaches over to touch Ichigo's arm as to say 'you-as-well' He just nods and waves it off like he did the ghost.

There you go. The first chapter of the new and improved book of 'Hollow love' hope you enjoy. Some scenes might be out of order but it's just to make the story, well, a story.

Future me speaking here, fuck off with this weak shit past me....

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