Don't die on me!

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Nel stands in front of all of us as Orihime gets worried. Nnoitra attacks Nel again but she holds her own. She catches him off guard but stops her sword and he does the same. Nnoitra childishly argues with Nel while I sweat drop.

"Are they seriously having this conversation now?" My voice quiet but annoyed. Nnoitra slashes at Nel but she sonidos away.

"You're annoying. You are so annoying! And you, I can't help but think back, except for those ridicules rag tag clothes you're wearing, you haven't changed one single bit." Nnoitra drags on his monologue that I frankly don't care about. Ichigo tries to get up but struggles.


"Ichigo wait!" Orihime runs up to us. "You're not?"

"Nel's in a lot of trouble and I, I have to go help her!" My senses moved my body on my own and I block a kick from Tesra, but I crash into Ichigo sending us back. Ichigo weakly holds on to me to crash our fall, even if he shouldn't. That distraction allows Tesra to grab Orihime as she yells for Ichigo only to get cut off with a hand to her mouth.

"Don't move. You will not get in Master Nnoitra's way. That woman, Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck, she is a boulder, and any boulder that obstructs Master Nnoitra's blade must be destroyed by Master Nnoitra himself." I growl at Tesra as Nel and Nnoitra continue to go at him. I ignored the battle to check on Ichigo only to catch wind of Nel's words.

'She's going to release her power?"

"Praise," Nnoitra charges Nel in anger but that doesn't stop her. "Gamyūsa." An explosion of pink surrounds her as she transforms that soon clears and reveals a centaur like form. She launches an attack with her double headed spear which cracks Nnoitra's sword hitting him in the chest and sending him flying. Ichigo and I watch in surprise.

"Damn..." The word just flows out without my help. Nel stands above him as he struggles on the ground. She rears back to give the lash blow only bro change back into her child form. "No Nel!" Nnoitra kicks her away after reveling in the fact that he can beat her now. I quickly jump to catch her from slamming against the ground. "Hold on, I got you."

"Stop that! Leave her alone!" Ichigo charges in only to get his face slammed into the ground.

"No! Ichigo! Dammit!" I can't do much with Orihime still in Tesra's clutch and protecting Nel.

"Give it up Soul Reaper! Nelliel was your absolute last ray of hope. It has now been extinguished! It's over for all of you. At this point, you can't win." My animalistic growl vibrates through the air. "Tesra he's all yours. He's got nothing else to fight with. Do what you want with him."

"Yes sir." He releases Orihime and she makes a break towards Ichigo on the ground. I see the glint in Nnoitra's eye and scream for her.

"Don't do it! He'll kill you! Nnoitra grabs her and holds her by her arm and face.

"Keep still my pet! Yes. You just keep watch from here quietly, this should be amusing." Tesra releases his power, and I could only imagine what he planned on doing. Using my own Sonido, I throw Ichigo away in time, but I get caught in the process. Tesra slams his hoof on my back causing immense pain but I only grunt. He will not get my screams of pain. He then grabs me and starts slamming my body against the ground. In the midst of all this I claw at him, but his form didn't budge.

'I don't have my sword... I need to get out of this...' Ichigo's screams resonate in my head but I can't seem to catch a grip. Tesra moves tactics and starts to squeeze my ribs, trying to crush them. My vision starts to fade, and I faintly watch Ichigo scream for me. My body gets thrown again but I keep my silence and barely my consciousness. Tesra picks me up by my head and snaps my arm. A faint yelp escapes my mouth, and he throws my body again. I faintly hear Nnoitra tell him to finish the job. I manage to look up to see him raise his arm to Jill me. Ichigo screams for him to stop but before the blow hit, an enormous amount of spiritual pressure resonates in the air and the blow is blocked.

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