How we met

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I never cared for humans. Nor did I care for their emotions. Love was one that didn't mean anything to me for years. I didn't need it, didn't want it. I survived by protecting myself and that's all that mattered. I barely even gave affection to my adoptive parents. I didn't need that emotion. But that all changed the moment I had to start school.

"You want me to what now?" Kisuke looks at me with a smile.

"Since I'm raising you in the human world, I'm having you go to a human school." I give him a deadpan look.

"And what makes you think that it won't go wrong?" He just continues to smile.

"I trust you." I look off to the side, I can't look at him when he gives that look. The look of a father looking at his pride and joy. I didn't deserve it.

Somehow, I ended up going to the school with a bunch of 11 year olds. Why? Because I look like one. The first day, I walked in and took a seat by the window. I was going to ignore all the little brats and do what my adoptive father wanted. The teacher tried to get me to talk but I never did. They weren't worth my words. One kid did catch my attention. It was a orange haired kid that didn't seem to show that much emotion.

'What happened to him to make him like that?' I was finally curious about a human. He sat there like he was trying to live a normal life but something was stopping him from enjoying it. Somehow we got partnered up for a lot of activities. I never spoke once and he didn't try to make me talk. He just did his own thing.

I grew comfortable around him the more we grew up. He started to get bullied a lot because of his hair. He would show up with bruises and cuts everyday. For some reason, I grew concerned for his health and followed him one day. He was blocked in an ally while older boys punched him over and over. My anger started to seep out and I attacked them. I protected Ichigo and it felt so normal to. That's when we really started to get close. We always walked together and fought off his bullies.

The one time I didn't, he came back with a giant of a human behind him. Ichigo already know what I would have asked told me.

"He helped me while I was fighting a gang of teenagers. This is Chad." I looked at Chad in thanks and then he became apart of Ichigo's little friend group. I didn't care much for any of them. Even the girls tried to get me to be friends but I always just ignored them, I was only comfortable with Ichigo. That's when I found out why he was the way he was. His mother was killed. It affected me more than I thought it would, to the point that Kisuke was worried about me.

"Suki? What's wrong?" And I told him all the details I was told. "You care for the boy?" I shrugged.

"Don't know how, when or why but yeah." He smiled at me.

"That's good, maybe he can pull more emotions out of you." I scoffed.

But that's exactly what he did. Without me noticing, Ichigo was making me soft. Don't get me wrong, I still could care less about the humans but I was protective over him. When we go closer to being in our last year of middle school, I moved into an apartment closer to the school. The reason? Ichigo wanted to hang out more. You could say we were close. Ichigo and Chad were always getting into fights and I was always there to back them up and quietly call the ambulances. One was always needed.

Soon we got a reputation for it and everyone knew who we were. Even going into high school, everyone knew not to mess with us. But we still got into fights and that's how we met Keigo and Mizuiro. Ichigo just had to go and protect those of the weak. Keigo always tried to get close to me and get me to speak. It never worked as he was scared of Ichigo at first and Ichigo never let him near me. But somehow, they became friends with Ichigo.

Orihime was a girl that I never cared for as I saw her as weak. I remember her crying over her brother when Ichigo's father couldn't save him in time. We were all 12. She always seemed to get along with Tatsuki more so she stayed with her while I didn't care for either of them. Ichigo never tried to force me to be friends with anybody but would always say they were my friends as well. I never believed him and only paid attention to him.

We hung out a lot. Most of the time, I was at his place or he was at mine. We always spent time with each other, including on the days of his mother's death. He was always the one to change his personality the day before but he never did that with me, he always came to me for comfort. We were comfortable hugging and cuddling as a sense of comfort. We both lacked it outside and having it with someone you trust was enough for us. We never cared for it as it became normal for us to find comfort in each other's touch.

People in high school started to get bold and try and hit of me and steal me away from my circle of 'friends'. Many confessed their feelings, while others tried hooking up for some undesirable things that I didn't care about as it just sounded sad and disgusting. Ichigo was always there to scare them off.

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