The wail of a demi-hollow

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The next morning, I wake up to, I am back in my human form. I slowly get up and stretch. My body is sore from running around for hours. I make my way up to the shop. When I make it, Kisuke is awake, sitting there quietly.

"Do you feel better?" I nod and sit in front of him.

"How long have I been there?"

"Two days." I just nod. "All this time hiding as a human, it isn't enough to completely control what he did to me." I sigh. "What should I do?" He sighs as well.

"You remember Shinji Hirako? His little group is close to here." I tilt my head in confusion.

'They're here?' I think. I remember them from the past and what Kisuke has told me about them. I did do some training with them but not a lot. They move around a lot, so I don't really know where they are.

"I can't hide anymore. I'm too attached to that orange strawberry. It's not safe for him. If they were to come, he would die; he isn't strong enough."

"I wouldn't underestimate him, Suki. He may just be the one that changes everything. But you know you have a place here anytime. I saved and raised you. You are always welcome." I let out a small smile.

"And I will be forever grateful. I owe you my life. You saved some lowly hollow test subject and raised me to be as human as possible. You didn't deserve to be exiled. They lost a great ally." I stand up and walk out of his shop. I don't go to school again; I am too worn out. Making it home, I take a cold shower to soothe my muscles that are sore. It feels good to finally relax in my own space. After doing my usual cleaning, I step out, avoiding the mirror this time. I change into another sports bra and shorts. I make my way to the front room. A knock interrupts my silence. I quickly jump up and run to get a shirt. Quickly making my way back to the door, I open it to see Ichigo.

"Oh hey. What's up?" He sighs and rubs his neck.

"I'm being forced to go see this stupid show with my family and I don't wanna be alone with a bunch of weirdos. Please come with me." I let out a giggle and nod.

"Of course I'll go. Let me get my stuff." I freeze and notice I am freely speaking to Ichigo. 'I'm too attached.' I sigh and go to grab my shoes and wallet. I quietly walk behind him as we make it to his house to pick up the rest of the family. Yuzu gives me some rice balls and I nod in thanks.

It is going to be dark soon and we are waking to this abandoned hospital. The announcers start to introduce the intro to the episode. The crowd is excited, but I don't understand why. A man comes out from a helicopter and people go crazy. I nudge Ichigo while tilting my head. He glances at me and sigh.

"That's Don Kanonji. He's the host for Spirit Hunter." I look confused again.

"What's Spirit Hunter?" I whisper. I don't watch television so.

"It's just a show about spirits." I nod and notice a presence coming closer and so I shut my mouth.

"Hey Suki, can I have a moment with Ichigo?" I glance to see Rukia. I just ignore her and walk away. The show goes to commercial, and we are escorted somewhere else. I walk quietly while I ignore all of the other classmates of mine. Everybody is watching the building, and a tech guy is carrying a light and steps closer to the building. A horrendous roar echoes through the air.

'A jibakurei, huh.' My eyes close as I just listen to him wail. The jibakurei is a man, probably died in this hospital. A hand lands on my shoulder. I look behind me and see a stripped hat. I sigh.

"What are you gonna do?" Kisuke smiles and just puts a finger to his lips. I roll my eyes and watch as the stupid ghost guy jab his cane into the Demi-hollows hole. "Just leave me out of it." He chuckles as I watch him walk to where Ichigo is caught from the security.

Kisuke sneaks his way to Ichigo and jabs him in the head, knocking his soul out of his body.

"Ughh, who did that?!" I sigh. Kisuke acts innocent and waves his fan.


"Mr. Hat and clogs?" Ichigo is holding the spot where Kisuke hit him.

"What are you waiting for you big lump? Get to work already." Ichigo run and knocks Don away from the Demi-hollow. The Demi-hollow is still screaming, and his body exploded. Well shit. The hollow starts to form on the roof. The man's voice in the wails are now completely gone. Kisuke is talking to Rukia as Ichigo takes Don inside. I wait for Ichigo to win and knock some sense into this damn freak.

The screams of the hollow continue as I can clearly hear Ichigo fighting. Next thing I know, the hollow jumps through the walls and goes to the roof. All the while Ichigo is hanging from his sword. I sweat dropped as I hear his spastic yelps. Yep. This is the one that's supposed to be the one to change everything. Ichigo is now stuck to the railing by some green goop. The hollow goes to attack but Don protects him. Don sets him free and gets hit when the cane he used to keep the hollow from crushing Ichigo snaps. Ichigo protects him and it is the hollows turn to be smashed against the railing. Ichigo then slices the mask with the overgrown sword of his.

Ichigo explains what Don had done to the Demi-hollow. People start to cheer for him, and he stands on the edge of the roof and did his damned stance, causing the crowd to do it back.

'Well Ichigo, you really are something else.' I couldn't help but let out a small smile.

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