He knows

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I sit on the floor of my room, thinking. It's already getting close to December. The estimated time of the battle. I don't know how this battle will turn out but it's starting to seem like I will get found out sooner rather than later, by everyone. Which means that I'm probably gonna die soon. Either Aizen is going to kill me as a pawn, or the Soul Society is going to execute me for what I am. I can already guess which would be the best choice, Soul Society. At least they'll make it quick and easy. Aizen would torture me and try awful experiments on me, I would be suffering for his greed.

Sighing, I stand up and walk to the front of the store. I need some fresh air. Closing my eyes, I take some well needed deep breaths. But it's cut short when I feel the Garganta open. There's more here and this time, Grimmjow is with them. I have a bone to pick with him after last time. I once again sigh and make my way towards where I feel him.

"You're back?" Grimmjow stops at my voice.

"It's really you? Mitsuki." I pause at that name.

"Mitsuki huh? Haven't heard that name in years." I scratch my neck.

"You've changed."

"Of course I have, after the torture, the experiments, who would be the same?"

"And now you're with the Soul Reapers?" I scoff at him.

"Like hell I am, they couldn't give two shits about me. They'd kill be in an instant if they knew what I was." I growl while I spoke.

"And yet you're helping them?"

"No, not them." I pause feeling Ichigo heading this way. My attention turns towards him. "I'm helping him. And that's all there is to it."

"Oh, did little miss Mitsuki find love?" I just scowl at him.

"And why would I talk to you about this? You don't know me anymore. Like you said, I changed. And don't call me Mitsuki, that's not who I am anymore." I can feel Ichigo staring up at us, surprised.

"Hey, I've been looking for you Soul Reaper." Ichigo now have Grimmjow's full attention.

"And I've been waiting for you. It's taken me some time but now I'm ready to show you what I've learned from the last time we've met! Suki! Get away from here!"

"Like hell you think I would leave you alone with him!" I Sonido close to Ichigo.

"Please, I got this. Just stay behind me." I can see the confidence in his eyes. It takes me aback and I finally step away from the males.

"How sweet? Mitsuki's little boyfriend is going to protect her from little ol' Grimmjow. How cute?" Grimmjow is now mocking us.

"You know what, Ichigo? Beat his ass." I flash away as Ichigo releases his Bankai.

"Bankai huh? So what? Maybe you've forgotten your Bankai couldn't stop me or do anything to even slow me down the first time we met!"

"Well maybe you're the one who's forgotten, it was my Bankai attack that originally gave you that scar." I look towards Grimmjow's chest and indeed see a scar across it. "I've got a question for you, Grimmjow. What happened to that arm of yours?"

"Oh, I got rid of it. Because I'm only gonna need one arm to kill you." He looks so smug but I'm genuinely curious why he is missing an arm.

"Is that right? Then in that case! I guess I don't need to hold back!" The confidence in Ichigo's voice, just how far along is his training?

"If you do, then you'll just die faster!" My eyes widen as Ichigo puts his hand up to summon his mask.

"You're doing that now?!" How far has he come to use this in battle? Against Grimmjow in that matter. "Please be careful." I say to myself. Ichigo's spiritual pressure shot up the moment the mask came out.

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