This bitch...

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Once I get Orihime to the side, she looks up at me with hope, a look I'm not familiar with. "I know you don't believe this but thank you for everything. I don't know if I would have made it this far without you. I trust you too."

"Save this sentimental bullshit for when we get home. It's not over yet." I playfully say while smirking, not meaning any harm in my words. I look down to see some of my wounds that haven't healed. I'm not bleeding anymore, which is the good part, but man do I feel like shit. She smiles at me and nods. We turn our attention back to the battle, but I keep an eye on Orihime's gaze of our sacred human.

She looks worried.

I let out a small sigh, I don't know how to make her calm in this situation. I'm beyond worried as well but I can only do so much. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I see hands try to grab Orihime. My instinct is to quickly snatch up the wrists and slam them into the ground, growling. Underneath me is the two sluty Aizen bitches.

"Think again." Something tells me that this isn't the first time these two assholes have messed with Orihime. Orihime makes a few worried noises and that catches Ichigo's attention. His gaze turns to us to see if we're okay.

"Suki! Get away from her!" Ichigo's voice is laced with anger, sneaking up on his girls like that. Ulquiorra cuts him off from me as the two females below me shift and I tighten my grip.

"Don't move or I'll gauge your throat out with my teeth." I growl while extending my fangs, licking across them, hoping to get my point across. They whimper Ulquiorra's name, hopefulness in him possibly protecting them which he quickly shuts down in that monotone voice of him.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea, I wasn't acting out of desire to save you." Ichigo continues to cross swords with Ulquiorra, trying to get to me.

"Out of the way!"

"I'm not going anywhere." Ulquiorra continues his fight with Ichigo and pushes him away from us.

"Oh, would you look at that? Looks like someone has someone trying to protect them. Too bad you're underneath my claws and Ulquiorra couldn't give a shit about you two lowlifes. Get a grip cunts. The only thing you can do is sell your body to Aizen. What a waste of air." Orihime squeaks in surprise at my words. "Now look what you did. You went and pissed me off and now I scared Orihime." They growl at me from underneath.

"L-looks like your knight and shining a-armor doesn't have wh-what it takes." Loly struggles to get out but I'm able to keep her down.

"Shut it! Whimpering dogs don't have the right to speak." She continues to try and get up from my hold, but I don't allow it. I vaguely hear Ichigo call my name, but I don't take my eyes off this bitch underneath me. I let the other one up as she hasn't tried shit, along with a threat to blast her to pieces if she so much as moves towards Orihime or her friend. I hear a cero erupt from behind me and Ichigo's grunt of pain. It takes a lot out of me not to look his way, so I use that anger to tighten my grip on Loly's neck. I can hear Ichigo screaming at Ulquiorra to move but it doesn't happen.

Suddenly there's a strong spiritual pressure that freezes us all in our place. The space between Ichigo and I is crushed and Yammy appears in the smoke.

"That's just great." I remark to myself, but Loly takes it as a chance to try and get away. I growl and sink my claws around her throat, and she whimpers in pain. "I said don't move." My eyes glowing with anger as my slits narrow. She gulps underneath my hand in fear, and I smirk.

"Hey Ulquiorra, how's it going? I thought I'd come and back you up. Need a hand?" Ulquiorra looks at him as if slightly appalled at the comment.

"You can't be serious? I don't need any help and certainly not from you." Yammy chuckles anyways.

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