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I started this story a long time ago so bare with me at the beginning. Most of the early chapters are short but I'm going to rewrite them when I actually finish this story. All of the later chapters are 2000+ words and some are continuing to grow in size as I'm finally able to put my vision into words. THANK YOU FOR GIVING THIS STORY A CHANCE! This has literally been my baby since 2013. I've rewrote, and rewrote and rethought this whole timeline and plot so many times that I can't even count anymore. Yeah that's a lot of work for a fanfic but this show and specifically Ichigo has been a major part of my life since I was 5 years old. This show is everything to me and I feel as if there's not many stories out there that try and keep close to the plot as much as I personally wanted to read. So I made my own, as shitty as it was in the beginning. I HOPE YOU SEE THIS THROUGH THE END! THANK YOU!!!


Demi Hollow - Jibakurei
Menos Grande - hundreds of hollows made into one entity
Vasto Lorde - only 5 or less ever (Tier Harribel)
Kūmon - air gate

Resurrección - power release
Humanoid Form
Bala - (bullet) less powerful then a Cero
Cero - doom blast
Descorrer- the Garganta between living world and Hueco Mundo
Pesquisa - able to locate reiatsu
Sonido - like flash step (shunpo)

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