Worst Timing

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"Hey Suki." I groaned as I woke up. Looking up I see a face close to mine. Luckily, I didn't freak because I knew Ichigo wouldn't do anything. He's such a prude. But as much as a prude he was, he was one hell of a cuddler.

 But as much as a prude he was, he was one hell of a cuddler

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Anyway, back to the present.

"What?" Was my groggy response, and it you could tell I was slightly annoyed. He chuckled at my response.

"I got to go to school. Come on, get up." I scoffed.

"And what does that have to do with me getting up as well?" He let go of me and went to get dressed.

"My dad would kill me if he found you in here." I sighed and started to rise of the bed as well. I noticed him glancing at me as sorrow filled his eyes.

"Don't give me that look. I wouldn't look this way if I was training like I should've been. This is my own fault. Not yours." I stood up and flicked him on the forehead. He rolled his eyes at my antics. Seeing as I was more calm than I was last night, when I changed into my other form, I was my full grown cat. This made him freak out more than when I was a cub. This caused me to laugh as I kinda enjoyed his shock. "One day, you will know what I am. But when that day comes, I hope you can forgive me." I didn't give him a chance to speak as I jumped out the window and took off towards my father's home.

After arriving, I walked into the front, still in cat form. This freaked out one of the two children staying with my father, the red headed brat.

"Wh-what the heck!?" He jumped away from me but got ready to attack. I glared and growled to dare him to try it.

"Try me kid, you wanna die?" He gulped and shook his head no.

"Sorry Suki!" I nodded and continued my way to see my father. I found him in the dining area with Yoruichi.

"Suki! You're back, and I see you're doing just fine now?" I sighed and changed into my human form.

"For now, at least. I noticed some spiritual pressure that feel oddly like Rukia. There's more of them aren't there?" Kisuke looked at me sadly.

"There are and they will be coming around here more. There's a battle coming and it's going to get worse. More are going to be coming as well."

"So that means, I'm going to get found out. Bad enough Ichigo knows that I'm different. Rukia is a stickler for rules, and I don't know the others. They may just try to kill me." He sighed and looked at my mother figure.

"Suki, they won't touch you; you know that. Everyone including Ichigo will protect you. As far as everyone else is concerned, you're just a soul reaper with more power than most." I get they are trying to help me out of my depression, but the fear is too much.

"I'm a damn hollow. No one is going to protect me the moment they find out my real identity." My eyes narrowed. "I'm just a damn soulless creature that was forced into this life. I never asked to be afraid! I never asked to be so goddamn scared of every move I make. I'm done being scared. I'm done being weak!" My animalistic growl came out in the end. I saw the looks of sorrow in their eyes. My habit of walking out on people stays true. They didn't get to say a word. 'I'm done being weak. I'm going to train and train until I can beat my own fear into the ground. I'm not a charitable case. I'm not a crying beast. I'm a hollow. And nothing's going to change that.' I got dressed in some clean workout clothes and made my way down into the basement.

Getting there, I started with some warmup exercises. This included running to work up a sweat. I didn't have a time that I wanted to run so I went when until I dropped. This took all day. Which I'm not that ashamed of. At least I have stamina.

I thought this was enough for tonight and called it quits. Heading up stairs to get myself cleaned as I was a sweaty mess, I walked into a redhead talking with my father. I felt the spiritual pressure and sighed. This guy was here when Rukia first left.

"Oh shit. I'll head somewhere else." I didn't have the energy for this. I heard the redhead ask who I was. My father's reply was something that made me bolt in.

"That's Ichigo's love interest." I slammed the door open and screamed.

"Don't be telling lies you damn bastard! Quit your bullshit! For my father, you sure are a dumbass." I slammed the door shut and stomped my feet in a childish manner as I walked away. I finally made it to the shower and cleaned myself up. After getting out, a feeling in the air that stopped me in my tracks. "No." I ran to the room with my father. He was giving me a knowing look. Renji was sitting in the dining area, but my father was in the shop.

"Suki, you should hide this time. You don't need to be seeing your brother so soon. I have a feeling he'll try and take you to their base." I wouldn't believe that if I hadn't gone through what I have. All he wanted was power, and that's what he got. He'll be loyal until he dies. As long as he has power.

'Would he really betray me?' I was so confused that I couldn't speak. I shook my head to shake my fear off. "I'm going to make sure no one dies." I didn't give him a chance to stop me. I felt familiar spiritual energy. All of them. I knew these people, and they all followed him around like lost puppies.

Deroy was the first to disappear, Rukia's power was in the air. 'That was fast, he was all bark and no bite before. Looks like nothing has changed about him.' I laughed a bit remembering a memory of my brother biting him in Hueco Mundo. I felt all of the energies that I used to call my friends. They were more powerful than I could remember. Who knew how much power my brother holds now. I jumped across building searching for them all. Only to have one to find me. The one I didn't want to see.

"So, you're alive. After all this time." I haven't heard that voice for years. I stopped and stood still, not looking at him.

"What's it's to you? Why do you care?"

"Ha! What's so wrong about a brother worrying about their sister? I've missed you." I scoffed.

"Worried huh? Then where were you when I was taken?!" I turned my body in anger towards him. "Where were you when I was tested on over and over again? Where!? You don't know what I've been through. You don't know the torture he put me through. And now you follow him! Some brother. Didn't even protect their sister from hell." He glared at me but didn't say a word. All he did was raise his spiritual pressure alerting everyone around us. He turned his head and sped off to where I felt Ichigo and Rukia. "Wait! Don't touch him!" I followed after him, not thinking about what's to come.

"What the hell happened here? Deroy's been killed?!" He startled the two soul reapers as I appeared next to Ichigo. "Heh, oh well. In that case, it looks like I'll just have to kill the both of you. Let me introduce myself, I'm Arrancar 6, you can call me Grimmjow!" He was grinning ear to ear.

"Well shit."

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