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I've been here before to train. So, I know this is where he would go. I can vaguely feel Ichigo here. Walking closer, I reach out and feel a force field.

'Hachi.' I clenched my hand and knock only in a way that he knows it's me. In a instant, an opening was clear. I smirk and make my way inside the warehouse. I don't unnecessarily trust these people, but they are better than others. I make my way down the stairs to the underground battlefield. I feel more of Ichigo's spiritual pressure the more I walk down.

When I make it down there, Kensei is fighting a hollowfied Ichigo. 'He's fighting White for control now. Let's see if he wins.' Hachi is sitting down, focusing on keeping the barrier that held Ichigo and Kensei inside. Ichigo didn't look very good; he was about halfway hollowfied. Finally making myself known, I speak.

"I have to say, he does look badass as a hollow huh?" The Visoreds look back surprised. "Sup, how's the shit training going?"

"So, you finally came? Welcome back." Shinji is the first to speak.

"Thanks, appreciate it. I'm only here for one reason, and one reason only." I look away from them and towards a hollowfied Ichigo. Kensei has cut Ichigo's shoulder, but all that accomplishes is his hollow's instant regeneration power. Kensei begins to power up for another attack.

"He's pretty serious." Hiyori speaks with a smirk on her face. "What's up with him?"

"Don't be so critical. You'll see why when you get in there." She grunts at Shinji's tone.

"The more you underestimate that hollow of his, the better chance you'll die." I just smirk at all of this. "That will be your downfall." I look back at the fight only to see something emerging from Ichigo. This appendage was gray with a mouth and was speeding towards Kensei. Kensei kept himself from being inside of it, but his arms got caught which causes him to power up another attack to destroy it. The smoke clears, showing the new transformation on the hollowfication. I decide to sit back and watch what happens, keeping to myself.

I could feel the power emitting from Ichigo. It was powerful, all the while it was chaotic. He was losing.

'Come on Ichigo. You need to show what you can do. You aren't weak, you aren't going to lose any of us. You won't let that happen because you are strong! Win Ichigo!' I knew how Ichigo thought. He was disappointed in himself. He believes he let us get hurt because he was too weak. He's too selfless to understand that his friends, including me, have a lot to learn and train for.


An hour of time has passed, and Ichigo is still battling his hollow, Love had been in there fighting and it was getting closer to the end time. Ichigo is fully hollowfied now. Not only was he powerful as a hollow he still has Zangetsu in his hand, which amplified his power.

"Kensei, what's the longest amount of time any one of us has taken to control our hollow?" Lisa speaks after the only sounds of fighting have been our white noise.

"It was Hiyori, at 69 minutes, 2 seconds."

"How many minutes has it been now?"

"68 minutes, and 44 seconds." I hear Hiyori grunt, hating to lose. I can only hope that this doesn't turn out in the worst case scenario. My thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of something powerful. Hollow Ichigo raised his arm in an awful familiar way. My eyes widened instantly.

"Everyone get away! It's a cero!" I jump to my feet ready to try and stop this cero with my own. "Hachi, Love, switch!" Love went to hollowfy himself, in order to survive. "Love! Get out! He's too strong!" I bang on the force field keeping me away from Ichigo. They continue to not listen to me as Love stood firm in his spot. Instantly, Ichigo's arm begins to break apart. "Hachi! Get him out!" Ichigo's hollowfied body was breaking in many places throughout. Blood was leaking from those cracks. I stand horrified watching this.

'I can't save him... How can I save him?' I'm terrified watching him fall apart. "Ichigo!" Finally,
someone decided to get Love out.

"Hachi, get Love out of the barrier now!" Hachi then opens up a door to the inside. I took my chance and zoom in past Love who jumped out.

"Suki! Stay away!" Shinji yells to me, hoping I would listen, I didn't. I watch hollow Ichigo scream in pain, reminding me of myself.

'I sounded like this... All those test... All that pain... He shouldn't suffer like this...' The trauma that was being pulled to the surface caused tears to form, though they were being blown away by the blast of Ichigo's hollowfied body exploding. It didn't hurt much; I was too focused of trying to save Ichigo from that pain.

The blast didn't last long, though it was powerful. There's dust floating around as I try to find Ichigo. Slowly, the dust cloud starts to get lower. Everybody is staring, waiting to see the end result. The state of Ichigo was nerve racking, he just stood there as his hollowed body falls. All that remains is a bloodied Ichigo, showing how the battle within went and his mask. I slowly walk closer, testing the boundaries. The hollowed body fell and cracked against the ground, disintegrating.

"Now Hachi." Shinji finally speaks after what feels like forever.

"As you command." If I wasn't in such a state of shock I would've glared at Hachi. He snapped and the force field broke into pieces. That's when Ichigo began to fall.

"No!" I pick up my speed and made it to where he landed. His mask falls off to the side while he remained face down. I didn't know what to do if he was alive or not.

"He's looking pretty banged up, Hachi. You think he'll be alright?" Mashiro speaks quietly. Hachi just shushes her. I just kneel down beside Ichigo, debating on whether to flip him over or not. Shinji is standing close as well.

"So how do you feel now?" Ichigo's head begins to turn and look at him.

"Fine. Not bad at all." He smirks. I let out a breath of relief.

'You're back to normal... You're finally back... Ichigo.' I let out a small smile. I know that look in his eye.

"Very good." Ichigo has a look in his face as if he was thinking. He reaches over to his fallen Zanpakutō and brings it closer.

"Sorry to break it to ya, but that's not going to happen." He had so much confidence in his voice. I was so happy, but I knew I had to break it, even for a second.

"Idiot!" He froze and finally looked at me, I can only guess how I look. A crying mess with an angry look.


"How dare you scare me like that! I ought to kill you myself! Do you know how worried I was?! You disappeared and didn't tell anyone?!" He sits up to fully look at my kneeling form. "Then you had to go and-" I freeze as I couldn't bare to mention the pain I was feeling. I start silently crying again as I bring my hands up to my face to hide it. "You idiot. Don't scare me again... I can't do that again..." My cries are still silent and I can't look him in the eye. I hear a sigh then feel arms surround me. In an instant, I bury my head in his neck, my arms around him. "Idiot."

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise." I scoff and pull away a bit, still in his arms. Not being able to hold back a smile, I speak quietly.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, idiot." All he did was laugh.

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