I'll protect you

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Back home, I'm almost completely healed from the fight with Grimmjow. Why the hell do I get beat up so bad when I'm protecting someone? Getting up, I walk towards the opening to the basement. All I see is people screaming and people getting wrapped up. I scoff and leave them be. Too loud. I stop when I see my dad standing on a cliff, looks like he's thinking. I jump down and make my way to him.

"Dad?" I quietly ask.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Completely healed." I show him my arms. He smiles seeing no wounds.

"That's good." There's still something bothering him.

"Hey dad?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I have this bad feeling, and it's getting worse. Something's about to happen and it's going to change everything... I'm scared, I think they are coming back for me." He turns around fully to face me and pulls me into a hug.

"Even if they do, they won't win. And they won't kill you. You're too powerful to lose to them." I look down sadly.

"But that's all I keep doing is losing. Every time I protect someone, I lose, and they get hurt. I'm not strong enough."

"I don't believe that. Everyone you have saved is still here fighting today. You are saving people's lives Suki."

"I don't know about that." His smile is sad, and he sighs.

"Go ahead and head back up. We'll be up there soon." I nod and make my way back up the ladder. Sighing, I take a step outside to get some fresh air. I should have learned my lesson the first time.

"What are you doing here?" Ulquiorra stands in front of the shop, how I didn't feel him here, I don't know.

"I told you. I'm bringing you back home where you belong."

"I'm not going back."

"You don't have a choice."

"The hell you mean I don't have a choice?"

"Surly you don't wanna leave that girl Orihime all alone?" I growl in shock.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"Nothing, Lord Aizen has plans for her."

"You're using her as bait to get me to come. Why? Why do you think I go for her sake?" My arms cross in denial.

"Because you love that Soul Reaper enough to protect what he cares about." I stiffen at those words. Is it really that obvious? "You protected her during our first arrival because he wasn't there to protect her."

"You noticed?"

"Of course. Now, let's go. Lord Aizen is waiting." I look back towards the shop.

'I'm sorry...' I frown and follow Ulquiorra. 'I'm doing this for you. Don't follow. I'll save her.'

"Does he plan on killing me for running away?" He side glances at me then looks ahead again.

"Running away? That man you live with kidnapped you." I scoff at his response.

"He saved me from all the experiments! You don't know the shit Aizen put me through." I growled at his loyalty. "Your Lord put me through torture and tests that screwed me up in so many ways."

"I see, that is how you see it?"


"You're strong, and yet you blame the man who made you strong?"

"Strong? I can't even protect someone!"

"I see it's like talking to a wall. You truly don't understand how important you are." I just bite my tongue to keep myself from responding, he wouldn't understand. We continue to a spot where I notice Orihime standing.

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