We're back!

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Dedicated to Space_Is_My_Home. Thank you for being so supportive of my last book. It might be a while till the next update tho. Just a warning.


I look out the frosty window of the bus. I can't bring Waddles this time. I hope Mom and Dad don't take him to the butcher while I'm gone. I think they might be about to split up. They always are arguing about money and the only thing that they agree on is that Waddles would be most helpful on the dinner table. Grunkle Stan tackled a pterodactyl for him. He's getting old as far as pigs go. I don't want him to though.

Dipper is tugging on his new hat. It's not that new. His last one took some damage. He healed and we even fixed his old one but he got paranoid and threw it in the fireplace. Now he has a new one. Same pattern but the blue and white are switched. He tugs on it when hes nervous. Its how I got him to finally stop clicking pens.

It was Dippers idea to have us come here. Mom and Dad both hated the idea but wanted to make the other miserable.

Finally the woods thickened and then I saw the familiar water tower in the distance. They still haven't taken down the muffin on the side.

Thin snow starts falling. Having spent every winter I can remember in California, this is a new experience to me. Like Grunkle Ford, I have a defect. Two in fact.

1) I have 4 fingers. No idea why nobody brings it up.
2) My eyes can grow. Grunkle Ford studied them but its not harming me and looks cute so we just left it I guess.

Then there's Dippers birthmark and noodle limbs. I wonder if I can patent that.... I mean, seriously. It sounds like something I would eat with my friends! Gummy Noodle Limbs. No?

The bus lurched to a stop. This time, nobody was here to great us. Our parents assumed that would be the case. They still think we have one Grunkle and they don't trust Stan because of the 'ink' incident. Makes me wonder why they keep sending us here....

We had money for a cab which we took to the shack. We knocked but nobody answered. Luckily, I'm one of those jerks that keep spare keys you lend out and I never give them back. I have 4 keys to the Mystery Shack. Grunkle Stan would be proud. We help ourselves in. There is a lot of commotion in the kitchen.

Without a word Dipper and I sneak into the kitchen using skills we sorta had to use considering the last 2 summers.

I get on the left side of the door and he gets on the right. The door wasn't here before. He holds up his hands and gives a count down.







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