Daddy Daughter Moment

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Please read announcement at the end of this part!

Niall's POV:

Y/N had to go help her best friend out with something earlier this morning so I was at home with Harper.

I was feeding Harper a bottle with my new album playing in the background. I was gonna be doing a live stream from home to promote my new album later this afternoon. My plan was to do it once Harper fell asleep for her nap.

Harper had just finished her bottle, so I gently removed it from her mouth, burped her and rocked her for a little bit while rubbing her back. It didn't take long for Harper to fall asleep, and once she was, I carried her to her nursery, gently kissed her head, gently laid her in her crib, and placed her blanket over her legs.

"Sleep well Harper" I quietly cooed to her as I quietly turned the baby monitor on and quietly left her nursery, quietly closing the door behind me.

I then started my Instagram live. A lot of my fans joined in pretty quickly.

"Hello, hope everyone is doing well during this whole outbreak" I said quietly. The sound of my voice made some of my fans curious.

"Why am I talking quietly, Harper's asleep" I explained, which the fans understood.

"What do y'all think of the new album"

"Y'all like it"

"Alright so I'm gonna answer some questions now and eventually I'll go live with some of y'all, so if you got any questions, ask away"

"What's Y/N up to, she had to go help her best friend out with something, so she's out helping her right now, don't worry they're both safe"

"What was it like doing Carpool Karaoke again, it was fun apart from the pigeon part, I think James made my fear worse instead of better"

"Am I bummed out that tour is cancelled, definitely, I was looking forward to touring again after what seems like two years, having surgery, getting married, and of course welcoming Harper, but I'll be back next year with maybe some more tunes and it'll be better than ever next year"

"Did I go for a walk today, no I haven't actually considering the fact that Y/N had to leave early this morning so I've had Harper all day so far"

Just as I was about to answer the next question, I heard Harper crying.

"I'll be right back, dad duty" I said and paused my livestream so I could go get Harper.

I walked into her nursery to find her sitting in her crib hanging onto the railing.

"Hey Harper what's the matter" I cooed to her and she made a grabby hand towards me.

"Awe come here sweet girl" I cooed as I picked her up and held her close to me. Harper then grabbed onto my shirt, her cries had started to calm down and she was now whimpering.

"Daddy's got you Harper, you're okay" I cooed to her as I swayed with her in my arms while rubbing her back. I then looked at her face and she looked scared, so I kissed her to let her know it was me holding her. Harper then opened her eyes to see me holding her, and she whimpered against my chest.

"Ssshhh Harper, you're safe, daddy won't let anything or anyone hurt you" I cooed to her. She was slowly starting to calm down, but then her whimpers got a little louder and she was making a grabby hand towards her crib, then I realized what she wanted. Her blanket.

"Oh Harper, here's your blanket sweet girl" I cooed to her as I attempted to cover her with it, but she grabbed onto it and held it close to her. She was now whimpering again, along with holding onto my shirt and her blanket, letting me know she was still tired and wanted to be held for a while.

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