Baby's 1st Doctor's Appointment

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Today was Harper's first doctor appointment. I was getting ready along with getting the diaper bag ready while Niall was currently changing Harper and getting her ready. I came downstairs after getting ready to find Niall putting Harper into her car seat.

"You ready babe"

"Yeah apart from my shoes, are you two ready"

"I'm ready, Harper's ready too" he said as we both looked at Harper who was falling asleep.

"Alright let's go"

We got into the car and drove to Harper's first appointment. When we arrived, we checked in and sat in the waiting room for only a few minutes before we were called back.

The medical assistant advised the two of us to get Harper undressed into just her diaper so she could be examined. Harper started waking up when I undressed her.

"Good morning sweet girl" I cooed to her.

Once she was undressed her weight, length, and head circumference were collected. Harper was not very happy during the process, considering she had just woken up, once Niall picked her up, she calmed down. Then the medical assistant took us back to the room to ask the two of us a few questions and take Harper's temperature.

"She is such a cutie pie"

"Thank you"

"When was she born"

"November 16th"

"Six days old what was her birth weight"

"7lbs 12oz"

"What was her length and head circumference"

"21 inches and 34cm"

"Alright the doctor has asked me to have you both fill out this paperwork, and the doctor wants to give her her first vaccines today" she said handing the two of us a clipboard and a pen.


"Is there anything else you would like the doctor to know"

"Not at the moment"

"Ok the doctor will be in in a few minutes"

"Thank you miss"

"You're welcome"

And with that, the medical assistant left the room and allowed us to fill out the paperwork, which included baby safety questions, insurance information, and our health history.

Harper started getting a little fussy because she wasn't fully awake yet so Niall wrapped her blanket around her and rocked her for a little bit. A few minutes later, the doctor came in.



"You guys made it out of the hospital safe and sound"

"Yeah we did"

"How's everything going so far"

"Still kind of getting used to the new parenthood routine, but other than that we're doing good so far"

"How's feeding going"

"It's been good"

"How long do the feeds usually take and how often"

"Anywhere between 10-15 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes and anywhere between 2-3 hours, but at night it's about every 2 1/2-3 hours.

"That's about average, who usually gets up with her at night"

"Usually it's both of us"

"Alright, where's she sleeping"

"Usually during her daytime naps we place her in her crib, then at night usually she starts out in her crib then we end up putting her in the bassinet we have in our bedroom"

"Okay, how much is she sleeping"

"About 6-8 hours during the day, and most of the night she sleeps except for the nighttime feedings"

"That's about average, so birth weight was 7 12, we're at 6 14, so that's about 10% weight loss for newborns"

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