Bump Communication

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I was currently relaxing in bed while Niall was in the shower when I felt Harper kicking.

"Hi Harper, how's my baby girl doing" I said while rubbing my bump. She kicked in response.

"You're happy" I said as I poked my stomach in a few different places and she kicked again.

"You like playing with mama don't ya Harper" I said laughing.

I was so busy playing with Harper I didn't notice Niall come into our bedroom.

"Oh hey Ni"

"Hey babe, what's going on here"

"I'm just playing with her"

"Oooo how"

"Watch" I said as I poked my stomach again and Harper kicked in response.

"Oh my god, that's incredible can I try"

"Go ahead" I said as Niall started poking my stomach and Harper responded to him as well.

"Hi Harper, is daddy's little princess having fun playing" Niall said as he kissed my baby bump as Harper kicked in the spot he was kissing.

"I take that as a yes" he said as we both laughed.

"She already recognizes our voices" I said as we continued playing with our baby for a while until she started feeling tired.

"Seems as if she's getting tired, why don't you try singing to her"

"Good idea babe"

Niall started singing Little Things to Harper while rubbing my stomach. As soon as he finished the song, she kicked one more time before falling asleep.

"She loves it when you sing" I told my husband.

"She sure does" Niall said as he kissed me and we both fell asleep soon after, knowing that our baby girl fell asleep happy.

Niall Horan Baby Series Where stories live. Discover now