Finding Out

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It had been about three weeks since Niall and I had started trying for a baby and we decided to wait a few weeks before trying again.

This morning when I woke up, I made a mad dash to the bathroom and threw up. As soon as I finished I started to wonder what had caused me to throw up and why I was feeling really tired and nauseous. Niall is currently at work, so I called my best friend Y/F/N and asked her if she could come over.

About 15 minutes later, Y/F/N arrived.

"Y/N what's up?"

"When I woke up this morning, I made a mad dash to the bathroom and vomited. I also felt really tired and I don't know why I felt nauseous this morning."

"You know, when my older sister told me she was feeling the same way you were feeling this morning, it turns out she was pregnant. Have you and Niall been trying for a baby recently?"

"Yeah about three weeks ago we were."

"When was your last period?"

Then I realized that my period was late.

"OMG Y/F/N my period is late!"

"Really, Y/N you might be pregnant, why don't we go to the store together and get a pregnancy test."

"Great idea, let's go."

We headed to the store that was in town and got a pregnancy test. When we arrived back at mine and Niall's shared house, I went into the bathroom and took the test. As soon as I was done taking the test, Y/F/N and I were waiting for the test results. When the results came up, we were both completely shocked.

 When the results came up, we were both completely shocked

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"OMG Y/N this is so exciting!"

"I can't believe it Y/F/N, I'm beyond happy and I can't wait to tell Niall."

"He's going to be so surprised Y/N!"

"Thanks for coming over to help me Y/F/N, I don't know what I would do without a friend like you."

"You're welcome Y/N. I'm so excited for both you and Niall. Keep me posted."

"I will, see you later."


I couldn't believe that I'm actually pregnant with my first baby. I just need to figure out how to tell Niall.

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