Baby's House Tour

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Niall's POV:

We've already been home for about 15 minutes. Y/N fell asleep about 10 minutes ago and I was currently downstairs with Harper who was laying in her swing we have in the living room and opening her eyes.

"Hey Harper, did you have a good nap" I said as I picked her up and cradled her in my arms.

"Do you wanna take a look around the house baby girl" I said as Harper grabbed my finger.

"I take that as a yes, so right now we're in the living room and over here on the wall is photos from the day mummy and daddy got married."

I couldn't help but smile at our wedding photos, knowing how much that day meant to the two of us.

"Then in here Harper is the kitchen, where both mummy and daddy spend a lot of time cooking and eating."

I then carried Harper upstairs and stopped right outside our bedroom door.

"This right here Harper is mummy and daddy's room. Mummy's asleep right now so we'll show you later."

I then walked down the hallway to Harper's nursery.

"Now this Harper is your room. It was put together by daddy and your Uncle Harry" I said as I sat down in the rocking chair in her nursery and adjusted her so she was chest to chest with me.

"This is where you'll sleep eventually, but for now you're gonna sleep in mummy and daddy's room. This is also where you'll play and have fun" I told Harper as she was falling asleep and as Y/N walked into the nursery.

"What's going on in here"

"I just gave her a tour of the house"

"Really, how did it go"

"She was awake the whole time and was enjoying it, when I started rocking her, she started falling asleep"

"She sure loves being rocked" Y/N said looking at our baby girl who was now sound asleep.

"She sure does" I said as I kissed my wife and we spent some time with our little girl in her nursery.

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