Nighttime Routine

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It was about 7:30pm. Niall and I had already eaten dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. So, it was gonna be time to start getting Harper ready for bed soon.


"Yeah babe"

"I think it might be about time to start getting Harper ready for bed"

"Good idea babe, are we bathing her tonight"

"I was planning on it cause it's supposed to be really cold the next few days"

"Alright why don't we go up and get her bathed then" my husband said as he carefully stood up with Harper in his arms and walked upstairs with me following behind.

Niall was currently getting Harper undressed while I got her bath ready. Niall gently placed her in the water and washed her body. Harper doesn't mind being in the bath, so she wasn't fussy at all. Once her body was clean, I picked her up, wrapped her up in a towel, and held her head over the tub so I could wash her hair. It didn't take long for her hair to get washed.

"Niall, can you get her dressed while I go get ready for bed and ready to feed her" I said handing Harper to my husband.

"Sure thing babe, go ahead and get ready"

I then went to our bedroom while Niall went to Harper's nursery to get her dressed. Harper then started crying because she was cold, tired, and hungry.

"I know Harper, daddy's gonna get you dressed in something warm, then mummy will feed you" Niall told our baby girl as he put a diaper and a warm onesie on her little body. Once Harper was completely dressed, her cries started to escalate.

"Alright Harper, let's get you to mummy so she can feed you" Niall said as he picked her up along with her blanket and carried her to our bedroom. I was already sitting in bed, ready to feed Harper.

"Come here Harper, I shall feed you" I said as Niall handed her to me, then went to get himself ready for bed. I then undid my nursing tank and allowed Harper to latch on which she did quickly.

"There you go sweet girl" I cooed as I pulled her blanket over her so she could keep warm while she ate. About a few minutes into feeding time, Harper's eyes started to become heavy. I could tell she was getting tired.

"You tired Harper" I said as I stroked her hair and gently kissed her head.

"Today was a really good day, wasn't it baby girl" I cooed as I felt a dip in the bed. I turned to see my husband getting into bed next to me and Harper.

"She doing okay"

"Yeah, she's just really tired" I said just as Harper's eyes fluttered shut while still eating. Niall reached over to stroke her little head. After a few more minutes, Harper was done eating, so I delatched her, handed her to Niall so he could burp and cuddle her, and fixed my nursing tank. Once Harper had burped, she let out a big yawn, which made both me and Niall just smile at her.

"Oh wow, she's definitely worn out"

"Yeah, probably from a fun day with mummy"


"Do you know what this reminds me of Niall"


"The day she was born"

"Me too, that day was beautiful. One of our treasured moments together"

Niall and I kissed each other then Harper's head at the same time. There was then a moment of silence when I heard my phone go off. I saw that my aunt and cousins were sending me a FaceTime call.

"You okay if I take this FaceTime call Niall"

"Go ahead babe"

I then answered my phone to see them all smiling at the screen.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Y/N, we heard you had a baby"

"I did, Niall and I have a little girl, and she's sleeping right now so can you keep it down please"

"Yeah sorry, what's her name"

"Harper Noelle"

"Awe where is she and can we see her"

"Niall's currently holding her" I told them as I turned my phone towards my husband who smiled at the phone while rubbing her back and kissing her forehead.

"Awe she's so cute"


"When was she born"

"November 16th at 9:13am, so she's two months old"

"Niall how does it feel living with two girls" one of my cousins asked my husband.

"It has its ups and downs but honestly, I wouldn't change anything about it. When I met Y/N, I knew she was the one for me, and for a long time I wanted my first baby to be a girl, and I'm beyond happy about it."

I couldn't help but smile at my husband, knowing how much his girls mean to him.

"Whose idea was it to name her Harper"

"Yahoo" I said pointing at my husband. "When Niall mentioned Harper, the look on his face when he said it, I could tell he really loved that name, and I fell in love with it as well, so we went with it, but he was the one who brought it up."

"Which of her hands does she use the most"

"That's a hard one cause there are sometimes when she uses her right hand and sometimes when she uses her left hand"

"Which one do you think she's gonna be"

"Well considering she has parents who are opposite handed, I think she has a 50/50. What do you think Niall"

"I agree with you babe"

"You're left handed Niall"

"Yeah I am"

"When will you be coming to visit us again, so we can meet her"

"We'll see what happens, I definitely want to take her to the US, and Niall probably wants to take her to Ireland, so we'll see what happens."

"Why Ireland"

"I'm from Ireland"

"Okay well we have some things to get done so we'll talk to you soon, bye Y/N and Niall and Harper"

"Bye guys I'll see you soon"

And with that, I hung up and looked at my husband and our baby.

"It was nice to talk to them again" I said yawning.

"Yeah it was" Niall said also yawning.

"Seems as if this whole family is tired"

"What do you say the two of us go to bed babe"

"Good idea Niall, goodnight Harper" I said as I kissed her head. Niall then got out of bed, went to Harper's nursery, said goodnight to her and kissed her head too. He then carefully put Harper in her crib, came back into our room and got back into bed and cuddled close to me.

"Good night Ni"

"Good night babe" Niall said as we kissed each other and fell asleep.

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