What's Wrong Y/N

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Niall's POV:

Y/N went out to the store earlier today and she's seemed upset or had something on her mind ever since she came home. I'm starting to get worried because she's not usually like this and whatever's bothering her I want to be able to help her with.

We had just gotten Harper ready for bed and laid her down in her crib after she fell asleep, and we were now in our bedroom.

"Y/N babe, is something bothering you"

She showed me a small nod.

"What happened"

"A few weeks ago, there was this man who messaged me on Twitter flirting with me and I messaged him saying that I'm already married and since I told him that, he's become more flirty and verbally aggressive towards me, saying that he'll hurt me if I don't divorce you and come to him, sending me gifs begging me to come to him when I ignored his messages. Earlier today when I was at the store, he found me and tried to take me home with him but I kept saying no, and he became more aggressive and eager to take me with him. Luckily some of your fans saw what was going on and called security and I was able to get out and come back home, but as I was leaving, the man threatened me that if I told anyone, he would hurt me and everyone who means a lot to me" my wife told me crying.

I could not believe what I was hearing. My blood was boiling. I was very pissed at this man for messing with my wife like that.

"Can you show me what he sent you babe"

Y/N pulled up her Twitter dms and handed me her phone. I could not believe what this man sent her. As I was reading, another message was sent saying "I'm able to track your address and I will come find you, you have no choice, you're coming with me". My blood was boiling. Y/N looked very terrified.

"Don't worry babe, I'm calling the police and I'm gonna screenshot this conversation and post it on my Twitter and tell my fans this situation and have all of them report this man, he's disgusting"

"Thank you Niall"

I quickly posted the conversation screenshots on Twitter.

@NiallOfficial: Everyone please block and report this man, he's been sending @Y/T/N horrible and flirty messages the past few weeks and earlier today he threatened her.

Fans immediately spread the tweet worldwide and #DefendY/N was trending worldwide.

I then called the cops and they're already on their way here, but the man arrived first, luckily the house was already locked and we had our security cameras on so the security alarm went off which made him even more upset. The alarm also woke Harper up and she started crying, and her crying made the man so angry that he started kicking on our door trying to knock it down.

Y/N had gotten Harper out of her crib and was trying to calm her down. A few minutes later the police showed up and the man was eventually arrested. We then stepped outside to talk to the police.


We explained to the police what this man had done to us and they told us that he has sexually assaulted 15 young women within this past 8 months and that he would be going to jail for a long time.

We were now laying in bed with Harper who was now calmed down, but still really scared.

"I'm sure glad that's over" Y/N told me.

"Me too, what an awful man"

"Even Harper agrees"

"Yeah she does"

A few minutes later, Harper fell back asleep, and I laid her down in her crib and got back into bed next to my wife and we did a long kiss before we both fell asleep. I'm sure glad that that man will no longer be bothering my wife anymore.

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